Matteo Salvini causes Brussels on the deficit

Rome The overwhelming victory of the leader of the League last Sunday and immediately reopened hostilities between Italy and Europe. The ballot boxes were ba

Matteo Salvini causes Brussels on the deficit


The overwhelming victory of the leader of the League last Sunday and immediately reopened hostilities between Italy and Europe. The ballot boxes were barely emptied Matteo Salvini has taken front the Europe, going to send today to Italy with a letter asking him to provide explanations on the increase in its debt.

" READ ALSO - Christophe Bouillaud: "Salvini has to overcome the european Union or die politically"

"I hope that there is anyone in Europe who sends us in small letters, he launched into a style of his own. Let's see if the letter arrives and we imposed a fine of 3 billion for the debts of the past. While youth unemployment reached 50 % in some regions of Italy, that we need to recruit emergency doctors and nurses, you see someone in Brussels who in the name of rules of the past imposes on us 3 billion fine and in September $ 20 billion increase in taxes?" And the vice-chairman of the Board, the undisputed strong man of the ...

Date Of Update: 31 May 2019, 00:00