Stress, fatigue, illness : the entrepreneurs do not have the form

It is well known that managing a company is far from being of any rest. The last barometer of the foundation of MMA Entrepreneurs of the future, published Tuesd

Stress, fatigue, illness : the entrepreneurs do not have the form

It is well known that managing a company is far from being of any rest. The last barometer of the foundation of MMA Entrepreneurs of the future, published Tuesday, confirms this. Among the 1501 leaders of micro and small businesses surveyed, 70% say they are stressed daily. They are the same 6% reported spend days "extremely" stressful. The causes of this stress are numerous: work overload (cited by 57% of respondents), lack of cash (53%) and uncertainties on the result of their activity (48%).

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The contractors care about the permanent future of their small business and their professional situation. A concern so great that it sometimes slows down in their ambitions. Half of them say that they do not engage in risky projects despite the profitability that it could bring them. All ensure make days long. They work on average 50 hours per week, an average that rises to 56 hours for the farmers. They are even 21% reported working more than 60 hours, and nearly one in ten is required more than 70 hours of weekly work. This time spent at work, prevents to lead a life of private peaceful. Nearly 40% of executives polled say they do not succeed to maintain a good balance between private life and professional life (46% among the farmers, 56% for health professionals). A contractor on three says suffer from isolation.

making life choices

This professional and private situation has logically of the physical consequences. Even if they are 79% report themselves in "good physical shape" - a figure that nevertheless fell sharply (-16 points) compared to last year, 87% admit to having been affected by at least pain in the past year. These include back pain (63%) or joint pain (53%). This is in addition to sleep disorders which include three respondents in ten. "The leaders of small businesses tend to make their sleep as a variable of adjustment to their work overload, atrophiant and its restorative function," stressed the investigation. Logically, more than one-third feel frequently tired (36% often saying to himself: "always" tired).

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Despite the pain, there are few contractors to agree to take a break. Only 8% say they will be arrested by their doctor over the last 12 months. A proportion that drops to 5% among the traders. "Here, one can clearly identify a reluctance on the part of business leaders to arrest, 56% of them believing that a judgment will impact their businesses," the study notes. All these difficulties do not appear to initiate their motivation. The entrepreneurs feel, in almost all (93%), "useful in everyday life" through a profession that they have, for 89%, elected. Almost all (90%) want to believe in their personal future and their financial situation (84%). They are even 90% to say happy in this life!!!

Date Of Update: 18 April 2019, 00:00