The State agencies will be deleted

the president of the Republic had warned during his speech closing the great debate national: to finance the tax cuts, the vast construction site of the rationa

The State agencies will be deleted

the president of the Republic had warned during his speech closing the great debate national: to finance the tax cuts, the vast construction site of the rationalization of the scope of agencies and operators of State would be reopened. According to the latest budget documents, France has around 1 200 satellite structures of the State, allocated among a total of 486 operators and 700 agencies of central government. It comes in both cases from entities financed and controlled by the State, charged with educating a public policy.

The instructions of Edward Philippe are clear: in a draft circular, which was unveiled by public Actors , the prime minister proposes to remove all structures not exceeding 100 full-time equivalent (FTE)". Administrations that wish to maintain the existence of one of these agencies should justify it properly. "You should propose the deletions and consolidations made necessary by this systematic review for 15 ...

Date Of Update: 21 May 2019, 23:00