D He sin of the Woman : Who is headstrong, is punished

Marilyn Monroe was just a case: Connie Palmen shows in her book 34;D he sin of Woman 34; how women are destroyed who refuse social conventions.

 D He sin of the Woman  : Who is headstrong, is punished
  • Page 1 — Anyone who is headstrong will be punished
  • Page 2 — it only helps "womensplaining"
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    Can FrauseinSünde be? Yes, says Connie Palms – if woman does not Regelnhält. The Dutch philosopher and literary scholar has written a strikingly narrow book about four extraordinary women. Nearly ninety pages she roars through biographies of Marilyn Monroe, Marguerite Duras, Jane Bowles and Patricia Highsmith. Makes less preface about twenty pages per person. You could accuse Palmists of making it all too easy, in fact scarcity is an expression of humility and a pleasant focus on essentials. The fact that palm trees know a lot more about ir four protagonists already reveals Dasumfangreiche list of sources.

    Impressive, as palms four at first sight completely different fates linked to a überzeitlichenErzählung of female suffering. All were born in United States in first quarter of 20th century, so some time before it brought a teenage grabber to president. Aufgewachsensind you without or with a psychically absent far and a neutrally formulated, behaviorally conspicuous mor. Becoming famous, y saw AlsMöglichkeit to emancipate from se difficult circumstances. Also narcotics, especially alcohol (which Monroe's husband Arthur Miller called daily "small suicides") donated consolation.

    Double alienation

    So not enough, jededieser four women fled from mselves to I-extinction. Amoffensichtlichsten happened by choosing a new name. Jane's Bowleswurde was born as Jane Stajer Auer, Patricia Highsmith as Mary Patricia Plangman. From Norma Jean Baker became most famous double-m of world and MargueriteDonnadieu changed her family to Duras, in memory of place where Demihr far died.

    The four selbstals art figure was created to match this new name. First of all, Monroe, who spoke with a deep voice, denperfektened his hip swing by wearing different high heels and took five hours to complete transformation towards end of her life. Moreover, what many people will not know is operated on jaw and tip of nose. Among or three were changes of eherinnerer nature, especially at Highsmith, who more and more compared ir psychopathischenRomanfiguren from beat of a talented Mr. Ripley.

    All this led to a double estrangement: that of himself and of close-BevorzugtLiebespartnern. Both Monroe and Duras accused ir men of desiring nothing but an illusion. The lesbian living Highsmith UndBowles had little more luck with ir still gesellschaftlichstigmatisierten love life. But, and that makes Palm's book so compelling, DieseSelbstentfremdung happened DenFrauen not, but was wanted. On one hand, out of impression of having to repent, whereby palms here go into mystical-religious motifs that do not really want to fit ir protagonists. God as " most famous absent far of literature"? Well, yes. On or hand, simply to be able to endure world that is male-dominated.

    No place for female geniuses

    PalmensArgumentation goes like this: women who are undergoing social expectations, who break rules, are excessive, surrender to intoxication, who do not want to be mor, nor decorative, but an artist, become dafürbestraft, if necessary by mselves Abolish. At age of 36 Jahrenverstarb, greatest sex symbol of recent history was an overdose of schlaftabletten, for palm trees: "No one could Monroebefreien Marilyn Monroe from Marilyn, and that's why she did it herself." Duras drank five litres of whisky, liqueur and wine a day, while taking psychotropic drugs, which led to psychosis and cerebral hemorrhage. In interviews, DieSchriftstellerin yearned for her own violent death: "I know it, DasVerlangen, to be killed. I know that re is. "

    The not so prominent Jane Bowles suffered a stroke with 41 as a result of ihrerjahrzehntelangen alcohol addiction, which left her almost blind and dumb. Highsmith again was already at beginning twenty anorexic undebenfalls heavy alcoholic. All se largely self-induced Gebrechenhinderten, however, four are not at artist-being. When Duras awoke from a mehrmonatigen coma, she was first to talk about a book project. Monroesgrößter ambition was to liberate himself from male gaze and become a ernsthafteSchauspielerin. What se women needed to survive, in Palm's reading was at same time doomed. In a patriarchal world, re is no space for female geniuses.

    Date Of Update: 09 May 2018, 12:03