Rich Kids of Literature : Ultraromantische Hyperironie

Fun, fun, fun: Do young writers have more to show today than to say? The Berlin authors clique 34; Rich Kids of Literature 34; wants to save contemporary literature.

  Rich Kids of Literature  : Ultraromantische Hyperironie
  • Page 1 — Ultraromantische Hyperironie
  • Page 2 — "Everything is passion. Everything is speed, all progress "
  • Page 3 — contemporary literature with its "bare, dead Works"
  • Read on a page

    Anfangdes of millennium, lyricist Thomas Kling wrote about what Ihnnotgedrungen to his work: "An image must come from; Marketing matters. " That was 17 years ago, but anyone who is busy with literature business finds that little has changed. Yes, staging of EigenenSchreibens has become nochwichtiger for benefit of authors, sometimes to ir chagrin. Anyone who says image quickly gets to DessenZwillingsbegriff, label. Authors as a brand – this shift towards zumMarketing can currently be seen in young literary scene, at RKOL, rich Kids of literature, who for some time have been successfully ihrenAuftritt and publicly successful in public domain or ir To practice a uprising.

    In year 2015gründeten Katharina Zimmermann, Sascha Ehlers and David Rabolt Korbinian Verlag, in which so far five books Veröffentlichtwurden. The journal The Wear, a "magazine for Text Music", whose editor is also Ehlers, has existed since 2013, recently published 14th edition. In addition, RKOLregelmäßig to reading "Is this still literature?", which is moderated by author LeonhardHieronymi. In addition re are fan articles with AufgesticktenRKOL abbreviations, Instagram accounts as well as smaller Soirées with auctions undPerformances. Behind all this is a very attractive inszenatorischerGestus, through which contemporary literature is to be injected again "more liveliness, action, poetry, Funund Ventures". In any case, it stands in manifesto of Ultraromantik, Hieronymi 2017 in Korbinian Verlag Veröffentlichthat. The aim of book is to "launch a new literary movement" that will save contemporary German-language literature.

    In this sound, for more than a hundred years, those who consider mselves to be avant-garde have been talking. Futurism, Dadaism, surrealism – in first quarter of twentieth century, many art movements established mselves for Sichreklamierten to replace old, solidified literature. By serving itself Hieronymi Dismanifestation, genus Deravantgardistischen modernity, it is undversucht to continue in its tradition under sign of beginning of 21st century.

    Garde Forklift

    In public Instagram-stories of RKOL you get a first, thus sobering impression, how mentioned fun soanfühlt: instead of champagne from plastic cups, clique Crémant from BestieltenGläsern drinks. and similar to party willing to anKarfreitag against legal prohibition of dance, collective, as it stands in Ultraromantik, would like to proceed against "unofficial Ekstaseverbot", "which re has been somehow schonimmer".

    This demand is worth looking at more closely. Pathos in sense of Einerstilistischen ecstasy, as is demanded here, is by no means prohibited, sonderneher negatively sanctioned by literary criticism and readership. and dasgeschieht in many cases quite rightly, because ecstasy, Dasaus-out-kicking, often comes as a historically verbrämtes horn Undmonumentale word glare. Who, like author Alban Nikolai Herbst, works on a prudent update of ecstatic speech, magskeptisch be eyed, room he certainly is not expelled.

    Specimens Ultraromantiker want to run a door that is not locked at all, comparison she knows how to open it gently, y prove two things: Einenbemerkenswert creative zeal to finally get started, as well as a certain Theoriearmutbezüglich of own demands . The social and polithistorischen reasons why "here" in Germany "somehow" according to totalitarian Erfahrungenekstatisches speak as problematic, are in any case not bedachtnoch critically executed. This simply does not fit required avant-garde "action".

    Date Of Update: 29 January 2018, 12:03