Big coalition: like yesterday it is!

The probing could not have been worse: the Union and the SPD together are underlining climate protection. That may be good for the SPD, but it is the wrong signal.

Big coalition: like yesterday it is!

I like to underestimate Armin flap. Until CDU politician won election in North Rhine-Westphalia last year, hardly anyone in man would have seen a prime minister. Meanwhile, he rules most populous state – and that is why one should take his indiscretion from exploratory talks very seriously. The wall had leaked on Monday that first agreement of a possible grand coalition was tipping of German climate targets. German carbon dioxide emissions are not expected to drop as much as planned until 2020. Free according to motto: What do we care about before election.

The first day of exploratory talks between CDU, CSU and SPD could hardly have been worse. Just before election, Angela Merkel had promised that German goals would be achieved. "We will find ways to meet our 40 percent target by 2020. I promise you, "she said literally on ZDF. And now this is just going to be collected by a working group? What a signal! And that is precisely on day when in Rhineland imposing cadral of Immerath for mining of Garzweiler is broken. So that lignite can be mined re.

To bury climate policy with SPD

Nothing has yet been decided definitively, although it is now being appeased from ranks of negotiators, nor should party leaders approve all agreements of working groups. In SPD, it was also annoyed that a Christian Democrat broke agreed silence and now Social Democrats stand as Kohleküsser, with whom one can easily and quickly bury climate policy.

But that's all noise. What is clear, however, is that without a word by Angela Merkel, re will be little change in this agreement. In doing so, climate protection objective 2020 can still be created, one would have to rethink radically. But in end, does executive Chancellor have sufficient power to oppose and enforce all or CDU and SPD prime ministers?

The bad news is quickly forgotten

For flaps and many or Problemvertager, indiscretion makes a lot of sense: first, you can bet that bad news is now out and in coming days is simply forgotten by most commentators. The value of novelty is gone, it is talked about taxes, pensions and infrastructure.

Secondly, you can do so later with some good news and appease less-informed spectators that y are still doing a little bit of climate policy: setting up a commission to agree on coal phase-out, a climate protection law Adopt. So at least next target could be reached. This, however, is wisely 2030 and thus in distant future that Groko politicians will no longer be in office. So in coming years you can continue in Berlin and Düsseldorf as before. Make beautiful promises. And far too little to do for climate.

Thirdly, old energy companies must continue to promote and burn coal. Flaps can n build new power lines and in future also supply neighbouring countries such as Belgium and France unconcerned with German coal electricity from station. This will make coal company RWE, shareholders and trade unions happy.

For rest of Republic, however, this Groko means: back to past.

Date Of Update: 10 January 2018, 12:02