Blockchain: All about Bitcoin in ten headlines

The value of Bitcoins changes faster than you can say 34; Blockchain 34; To understand this, you just need to know what happened in the current week.

Blockchain: All about Bitcoin in ten headlines
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    Since beginning of year, value of Bitcoins has been about Vervierzehnfacht. Werjetzt still doubts wher he should get in, cadastral needs to read following ten messages from current week. Taken toger, y actually say everything you need to know as Neulingüber bitcoin.

    Dante's Inferno

    At ManchenHandelsplattformen, bitcoin price has already exceeded 20,000-dollar mark in meantime. In Zimbabwe, for example. Perhaps most of investorendes half overheard warning of Sir Howard Davies. DerVorstandsvorsitzende of Royal Bank of Scotland proposed on Thursday a motto for dealing with Bitcoin, famous quotation of Dante's Inferno: "You who enter here, let AlleHoffnung drive."

    Number one in App Store

    Earlier ™ we on our iphones nothing better done to torment AlsTiere. Innocent times were that. Today it's all about money: The app from Coinbase has made it on Thursday on Platzeins of download charts for iOS (more precisely: downloads Vonkostenlosen apps in USA). The app allows users to trade, manage, or pay with anderemBitcoin and er. During Feierdes day service was not available for many hours.

    Millions on garbage dump

    The Kingdom security copies-are-overrated has a ungekröntenHerrscher: James Howells from Wales. The 32-year-old has disposed of 2013eine hard disk with private key to a wallet in which 7,500 Bitcoins are located. The hard drive has been on Newport's landfill since n. Over and over again, Howells has tried to get EineGenehmigung to search – always in vain, under Anderemaus safety and environmental protection reasons. When value of WalletAnfang of week exceeded 50 million dollars, attacked Howellszur sharpest weapon he has available: tweet. On Monday, he proposed to kandidierenund hard drive for city council in case of an election victory and to give half of his Bitcoins to town. Meanwhile, Wärensie more than 100 million euros worth.

    Bitcoin Lotto

    Speaking of Twitter: a certain Travis Weaver Behauptetdort, six years ago bought 1,500 bitcoin for Jeweils2, 87 dollars. From all those who retweet him, on Friday he wants to determine five people randomly and each of m a Bitcoinschenken. Top Bitcoin really has is unclear. But 141,000 retweets, which he has clearly. Meanwhile, re are or Twitter users who want to attract attention in this way.

    Everybody be cool, this is a robbery

    Bitcoin would zwarwunderbar without banks. But it doesn't seem to be a bank robbery. On Wednesday, NiceHashräumte trading stock Exchange, which was based in Slovenia, agreed to be dispelled. " Unfortunately, " official message begins," Gabe has a security breach that tunhat with NiceHash website. " The "incident" is currently being investigated. Since re is Aberkeinen euphemism Nobel Prize, operators in ZweitenAbsatz become more clear: "Our payment system has been compromised and contents of our Bitcoin wallet have been stolen." 4.700 Bitcoin have lost NiceHash customers by hack altoger. This is about 64 million euros, which was Friday morning. DerRest of communication is n again held in finest of beautiful speech: "We understand that you will have many questions" and " inconvenience we are really sorry about".

    No future

    On Sunday Beginntan Chicago Stock Exchange CBOE DerHandel with Bitcoin futures, shortly reafter derivatives exchange CMEfolgen. This makes speculation on price development possible, cansection a decline in value. It would not be first time that SolcheWetten become a self-fulfilling prophecy.


    Venezuela's President Nicolás Maduro has a very own idea of future. "Das21. Century is re, "he said on Sunday in Seinerwöchentlichen television address. His country will introduce its own virtual currency called Petro, but it should hinterlegtwerden with oil, gas, gold and diamonds. Because Maduro called praktischkeine details, recently not exactly AllererfolgreichsteWirtschaftspolitik operated and possibly not quite understood under what circumstances could help him a Kryptowährungwirklich, one should Petro According to experts, best forgotten before it ihngibt.

    Old coal for new coal

    In July 2019 Werdedas Bitcoin network consume more electricity than entire U.S., in February 2020 as much as whole world, Schätzteder meteorologist Eric Holt's on Tuesday. Yes, meteorologist. Undja, guessed. There are such comparisons over and over again, and irs are far apart. 2020 network will use as much electricity as Denmark, it is said here, already it is now consuming more than 19 European countries, Stehtwiederum here. It is always meant that Bitcoin mining is becoming more and more computationally intensive, more Bitcoins have already been produced, which is why Heuteprofessionelle miner, for example, in Inner Mongolia, is building ir Bitcoin factories directly next to coal power plants.

    Date Of Update: 09 December 2017, 12:03