Consumer Protection: Facebook meets EU rules inadequately

Deleted user data, secretly changed terms and conditions: The EU Commission accuses Facebook and Twitter of lack of consumer protection. However, it cannot.

Consumer Protection: Facebook meets EU rules inadequately

The EU commission has accused Facebook and Twitter of lack of consumer protection. The social networks would not meet EU rules to protect ir users, it is said in a paper that German press Agency is present. Twitter refore accuses commission of changing general terms and conditions without informing users. Uploaded content would be deleted – both on Facebook and on Twitter – without user's knowledge.

However, responsibility for consumer protection lies with Member States. Only you could impose penalties. At end of May, however, new EU Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO) will enter into force. Among or things, it obliges companies to make privacy settings more user-friendly. Facebook has already announced its intention to revise its offer in Europe accordingly.

As early as March of last year, EU authorities had called on social networks to improve consumer protection and to adapt ir business conditions to EU rules. EU Commissioner Věra Jourová would orwise be threatened with "coercive measures". Social networks should also revise ir terms and conditions and allow European users to sue in ir own country. According to European Commission, this point is now being fulfilled as well as labelling of advertising and sponsored content.

In Germany, consumer activists were successful this week with a lawsuit against Facebook. For his services in Germany, Facebook has to change preferences in future, that was decided by Landgericht Berlin this week. The company was sued by Consumer Central Federation (VZBV). The court criticized, among or things, that in Facebook app for mobile phones The location service is already activated, which tells chat partners ir own whereabouts. Users Dürfennicht longer be forced to use ir real names. However, judgment is not yet final (Az16 o 341/15).

Date Of Update: 16 February 2018, 12:03