Facebook: between Zuckerberg's lines

Will Facebook soon take money from users? Would data protection laws as in Europe be the solution to all problems? Five lessons from ten hours in Congress with Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook: between Zuckerberg's lines
  • Page 1 — between Zuckerberg lines
  • Page 2 — What about payment version of Facebook?
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    Ten hours in two days, Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg had to ask questions from members of US Congress on Tuesday and Wednesday. Apart from a few unsteady moments, 33-year-old dieSituation mastered well with a mixture of rehearsed phrases, vague statements and escalating explanations. At least from point of view of his company. There were no missteps nor echteErkenntnisse about misuse of data by Cambridge Analytica or Diegenerelle privacy practices of Facebook.

    Some interesting discussion points remain. Because between lines you could find clues to strategy for Facebook's future. Undmanche statements by Mark Zuckerberg are likely to tempt US Congress to investigate dieGeschäftspraktiken of social network and its possible violations of FrühereVerordnungen in coming weeks and months.

    1) European data protection as a blueprint

    The new European Data Protection basic Regulation (DSGVO), DieEnde may enter into force, appeared surprisingly often in both meetings. Several MEPs asked Zuckerberg wher changes that, for example, users have more transparency about transmission of ir data on online platforms, could also be adopted by Facebook worldwide. Already VergangeneWoche hinted at corresponding plans of Zuckerberg. On Wednesday in Repräsentantenhauswar statement even more clearly: Yes, Facebook also wants to offer Americans belief data protection like Europeans said Zuckerberg. Shortly reafter, relativized Tar again, but strategically plan is clever: Facebook can derUS already long planned DSGVO changes for first time as GroßeDatenschutzinitiative sell – and thus in best case NeuerGesetzgebung in USA Get out of way.

    2) Artificial intelligence as a solution for (almost) everything

    Whenever it went into hearings for opinion manipulation, Hatespeech, or fake accounts, Zuckerberg threw buzzword artificial intelligence (KI) into boardroom. In "about five to ten years", we have software that Hatespeech can safely recognize, including "linguistic nuances". A prognosis that mancheExperten doubts at this time. Already today, 90 percent of DerPropaganda of "Islamic State" (IS) and al-Qaeda of machines would be identified and deleted, said Zuckerberg. DieErwähnung of Ki in front of deputies was wise: Although term contains a lot and sounds smart, it says little in itself. What Zuckerberg ignored politicians: Ki base of machine learning, neural networks and pattern recognition Benötigtriesige records and algorithms that even developers cannot immernachvollziehen. Should such a kind of software be used one day Tatsächlichplattformweit, new problems and next Transparenzdebattefolgen should be introduced.

    3) Zuckerberg knows nothing of shadow profiles © Jakob Börner eike Cool Digi After all, talredakteur Eike coolly listened to eight out of ten hours of congressional hearing live on Internet. to author page

    At one point on second day of hearing, it became interesting when member Ben Luján asked Facebook chief about existence of VonSchattenprofilen. This refers to suspected data collections of people who do not have ir own Facebook account, but whose information is about address books of or users or about browser Cookiesdennoch on Facebook's servers. The question of wher Zuckerberg knows what EinSchattenprofil is, negated this. At same time, he said data VonNicht-Facebook users would be collected "for security reasons". An absurdity mentioned Luján just before end of his Redezeitnoch: namely a help page, which initially pretends non-users to be able to view ir data, but n refers to an active Facebook account. "We must change that," said Luján. The fact that Facebook can identify Menschenim Internet without actively using a Facebook service is likely to be an important playamore in coming weeks. Especially since this practice was already 2013 in DerKritik.

    Date Of Update: 13 April 2018, 12:04