Federal Communications Commission: US Authority establishes rules on net neutrality

Providers may prefer to use certain services in the United States in the future, provided they identify it. Critics see disadvantages in Internet traffic for non-paying services.

Federal Communications Commission: US Authority establishes rules on net neutrality

The FederalCommunications Commission (FCC) has net neutrality in USAabgeschafft. More precisely, it has abolished those rules with which it still wanted to secure 2015 net neutrality. Three of five members of competent commission voted in Washington for a corresponding proposal.

Unexpectedly comes Nota. Ajit Pai, FCC chairman appointed by US President Donald Trump, announced Hattedas BereitsAnfang of year. On Thursday, he and Seinebeiden Republican board members finally voted over two demokratischenVertreter of panel and Denentsprechenden draft RestoringInternet Freedom Order (roughly: "Arrangement ZurWiederherstellung freedom in Internet ") by Paibeschlossen.

For example, providers had been prohibited from es2015 services in Internet traffic if y paid – and not paying Diensteauszubremsen or even blocking. Pai, already legion, was one of opponents of decision. DieRegeln would lead to a worse service and slower internet, he argued.

Pais design plans to prohibit providers from interfering in DenDatenverkehr. They should be allowed to use certain Dienstebevorzugen in future as long as y identify it. The Behördewolle return to a "slimmer and MarktbasiertenRahmensetzung" as y already gegebenhätte 20 years before, SchriebPai in his statement in November. That would have ensured that US internet economy was "putting whole world in envy." The regulation of 2015, on or hand, is Zuschwerfällig. It would have diminished investment in expansion of VonBreitbandnetzen and prevented innovation – but Wasmanche experts doubt it.

Campaigns by Reddit and Pornhub

The Entscheidungvorausgegangen were last attempts by activists, politicians undJuristen to postpone decision at least. There were Kampagnenauf major websites from Reddit to Pornhub and protests Inwashington, D.C., New York and San Francisco. 39 US Senators, Pai wrote a letter urging him to withdraw his draft. A Republican congressman even brought EinenGesetzentwurfein, who should stop Pai.

18 Staatsanwälteverlangteneine Investigation of comment process to which FCC Verpflichtetwar. Internet users were able to assess PAIS plan Einsendenund FCC had to at least take note of input. Researchers found that bebetter were a million comments from bots or with stolen Identitätenverschickt, which is why prosecutors put whole Prozessinfrage. However, FCC made clear that it was careful on quality inputs, not on quantity.

In short: DerWiderstand was in vain. Unlike 2015, decision Aberkeinen has a direct role model for Europe. The EuropäischeUnion has introduced 2015 own rules that cannot be revised as soon as possible. According to Interpretationdes European regulators, y are comparatively strong in favour of equal treatment of all data packets in printouts, albeit with exceptions.

In particular, Dasprinzipiell still allowed so-called zero-rating BereitetNetzaktivisten worries. In Germany, for example, Telekommit StreamOn and Vodafone with Vodafone Pass offer special fares, in which certain services such as Netflix or Spotify are not counted on dasDatenvolumen of customers. This sounds so long gutund consumer-friendly, as all providers have same opportunities to participate in it. If small providers do not fit or sonstwiebenachteiligt in Dievorgegebenen categories of providers, this would be feared violation of DieNetzneutralität.

Today is @FCC vote on netneutrality — here's what you need to know pic.twitter.com/lROY60ciz0

— Tech Insider (@techinsider) December 14th, 2017

Editor's note: erroneously, we had already reported about decision about an hour before final vote. We apologize for this.

Date Of Update: 15 December 2017, 12:03