Google I/o: Google puts everything on artificial intelligence

From self-driving cars to Android to Wizards: at Google's developer conference I/O, everything is in the service of AI. She can even call the hairdresser.

Google I/o: Google puts everything on artificial intelligence
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    Pink bubbles blubbering like bubbly water over stage. On left and right, screen shows hip musicians in a big shot, which chill beats on ir electronic mixing consoles. Then colourful Android males bounce through picture and stick to ir hands. It smells like charcoal.

    Again and again, cheers rise under bright tent roof of shoreline Theatersin blue sky over Mountain View. Dieüber 7,000 visitors from Google's developer conference I/O celebrate Ausgelassenauf ir seats. There is a mood like a pop festival. As a precaution, organizer has distributed sun lotion and sunglasses.

    The colourful show should, however, spread more than just a good mood. Diesound on stage is supported by artificial intelligence. With this gimmick, Googledas's audience swears by strategy that he is pursuing with his event: to underline SeinenHerrschaftsanspruch at KünstlicherIntelligenz (ki).

    "Real" conversations with machines

    "It's exciting to develop new technologies and Unsdazu to reflect more about m," explains a good-humoured Google chief Sundar Pichai. Artificial intelligence today solves many problems for people all over world, he says. In future, technology will Familieverbessern all Google products.

    The Google assistant moves to center of Google universe. Derelektronische secretary becomes even more talkative, more humane and natürlichunverzichtbarer. Google is equipping intelligent program with six neuenStimmen, among or things baritone from R B musician JohnLegend. Instead of calling usual command "OK, Google" before each sentence, users can soon make real conversations with machine, promises started. The wizard should understand context of conversation even better.

    The assistant DemBesitzer will also accept simple telephone calls and appointment agreements in future. The AI calls on command at hairdresser or imrestaurant, as Google demonstrated on stage, responds to simple supplementary and questions, understands Nuancenin answers, according to group. However, how well robot calls work in real-life and in interaction with people still has to show.

    In future, Google Assistant will take more of user's hand. On search queries, it also amplifies visual information, Darunteraus Wikipedia. AufSuchanfragen by location, it displays navigation in map service maps.

    The human being is focus

    In new mobile operating system Android p, artificial intelligence also improves battery life and simplifies menu navigation. Sieberechnet is ahead of user's next steps and offers Direc apps to tap.

    The more Google's machines are advancing into all areas of life and lovingly patronize owner here and re, more it is forced to see that human being is still in center, despite all machine cult. "We know that people feel chained to ir device," SagtGoogle chief Pichai. In a group-owned survey, 70 percent would have wanted derTeilnehmer help in dealing with modern technologies.

    The new attitude programmes current Zeitgeist in Silicon Valley. The tech giants are no longer just about market values and range, but also about DieDeutungshoheit on moral issues. Apple, Alphabetund Facebooksehen is exposed to accusation that IhreTechnologie pity man. A Facebook study encouraged VergangenesJahr that passive consumption of content on platform DepressiveStimmungen Promote. Apple investors called on iphone manufacturer in January to do more against dieSmartphone dependence on children.

    All companies are now inderMenschen that y have a great deal to do with well-being. So does Google. Android p will enable a stronger control digital consumption in future. A dashboard will soon show user graphically, how long and at what times of day he was online and which apps he währenddessengenutzt. The YouTube video platform encourages "simply turn off". The Smartphonebesitzer can ebenfallsfestlegen a limit for online surfing in future: Google reminds him when he approaches his own deadline.

    Date Of Update: 10 May 2018, 12:03