Internet connection: Your technician comes in 3, 2, 1...

The big providers know that customers often wait in vain for the Field Service. Vodafone is now launching Mytechie. The service shows in real time where the technician is.

Internet connection: Your technician comes in 3, 2, 1...

250, 00 Euro compensation for every technician that has been burst schlugDeutschlands Vodafone CEO Hannes Ametsreiter is still just under two years ago. Instead, get his customers Nuneinen link.

According to Ametsreiter "Telco-annoyance number 1"-service technicians who do not appear zumangekündigten date-will be gamifiziert. Vodafone's cable customers should never waste a vacation day where y wait in vain for Jemandzu to come home and set up Internet, telephone or TV connection. Or even pay a bet that has not occurred, because technician simply claims to have niemandenangetroffen. Using Mytechie – EineAnspielung service on MyTaxi – you should be able to track where DerAnschlussspezialist is now and when it arrives. Displayed creased on a map, just like a taxi in MyTaxi app, inklusivedes name of technician and a contact hotline.

Vodafone Versprichtseinen customers after conclusion of a cable contract dreistündigeZeitfenster on desired day and possibility to cancel or postpone up to four hours in advance. Amjeweiligen day you will receive a link to open map. Later, everything should be integrated into a EigenständigeSmartphone app. The direct extension ZumTechniker as well as an evaluation function are also to be added.

Only for Vodafone's cable customers

The service is to be available accession spring 2018 anywhere where Vodafone operates SeinKabelnetz. This is case for about 15 million of 40 million households in Germany. What in reverse means: VodafonesDSL customers have none of this. They use Vodafoneangemieteten lines of Deutsche Telekom and are refore dependent beimFreischalten on technicians of Telekom. In North Rhine-Westphalia, Hesse and Baden-Württemberg concerns three complete area countries, because Vodafone does not offer a cable connection at all, but also areas in 13anderen countries.

Therefore, myTechieeinerseits is to be understood as a service, on or hand as a means of pressure. For years, this has been a problem with your field service, both with EigenenKunden and with those of Vodafone. Almost every third appointment VonVodafone customer with a telecom technician is EinFehltermin, laments Düsseldorf company. The technician does not arrive or meet anyone. On or hand, it is only ten percent in its own cable network. If Mytechy works like Geplantund, it should make Bonn competition look very bad.

At least for as long as Telekom does not get to grips with its difficulties. For half a year, CEO Timothy Höttges had said in an interview with DerFrankfurter General Sunday newspaper that he would like to promise two or three hours of time, but not sure if that was realistic. His business in midst of implementation of program.

Telekom promises desired dates until mid 2018

So far, DieTelekom gives dates mselves, and according to world, desired dates are not to be introduced until middle of next year. By end of 2018, VerkürztenZeitfenster will be offered – regardless of wher technician comes to EinemTelekom or a Vodafone customer.

In Großbritannienhat, Ofcom Media supervisory authority recently decided that providers must pay lump sum compensation if IMMEDIATELYSO customers do not return to Internet and telephone at latest two days after a change of supplier, move or defect. 25Pfund, approximately 28 euro, are due for example for JedenFehltermin, booked with next monthly invoice. DieMaßnahmen of German providers may also be an attempt to forestall a similar regulation.

Date Of Update: 05 December 2017, 12:04