Jamaica talks: All breathe once, we have no State crisis

The probing has failed and the state crisis is already being proclaimed. Germany only finally experiences exciting politics. Three lessons from the out for Jamaica

Jamaica talks: All breathe once, we have no State crisis
  • Page 1 — Brea all once, we have no State crisis
  • Page 2 — Germany has luck and bad luck at same time
  • Read on a page 1. State crisis? Probably hardly

    There has never been a question of what Germany has experienced since midnight: since founding of Federal Republic, re have been immerKoalitionsregierungen – and ir determination usually lasted only a few weeks. That four parties, however, only probe for weeks, and einePartei after monitored nights at end declares that it does not work: a novelty.

    To speak of a state crisis, as esbereits first commentators do, is, however, greatly exaggerated. It Gibtzwei options that our Basic Law provides for this case: EineMinderheitsregierung or elections. Of course, all this is difficult terrain. But just because this situation has not yet existed in Germany, country does not sink into chaos. It exists for months to come, outcome of which is uncertain. No more – but also no less.

    © Time online Marlies Uken deputy. Head of department politics, Economy and society, time online to authors page

    The State institutions work, wher or not DieFDP can imagine a Jamaica government. We have Einegeschäftsführende government in office that handles everyday business. Butit far from fact that citizens are going on streets. Those who speak VonStaatskrise should rar look to Ukraine, where unserenAugen parts of a state expire. Perhaps to Poland or Hungary, WoRegierungen secretly pry out separation of powers.

    Federal President-Steinmeier admonishes parties to formation of government Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier reminded parties of ir responsibility for formation of government. This could not be simply returned to electorate, Steinmeier said. © Photo: Markus Schreiber/AP Photo

    What Germany is experiencing is a new political reality (see next point). Those who dramatize this from exploratory talks derriskiert that citizen is actually turning away from politics in end. If everything is drama, but re is little change in everyday life, warumsoll The citizen is still interested in politics? Who now speaks VonStaatskrise, who at end helps only frustration party AfD.

    2. Germany is Jamaica

    May negotiations between four parties in DerNacht on Monday also have failed, since September 24, 2017 is spätestensklar: in Germany re is a new political reality. With entry of DerAfD into Bundestag was cemented, which has already been a few Jahrenabzeichnet: old camp alliances – black-yellow and red-green – have Keineeigene majority. At present, everything also looks like that DieRechtspopulisten have come to stay. This could make three-Bündnisseähnlich of a Jamaica coalition an exception to rule.

    For only remaining alternative would be an eternal grand coalition – as Austria, for example, has experienced for decades. No one can really wish for that. Even if you have to say retrospectively that Germany has not been badly ruled over past four years. On contrary, a number of things have been achieved and implemented politically. But in end, such a thing, everything else about rampant Grand Alliance strengns Diepolitischen borders. This has also been demonstrated in recent years.

    Date Of Update: 21 November 2017, 12:02