Labour market: union rejects weakening of Hartz IV sanctions

Bundestag group vice-Gröhe is opposed to the SPD's plans to loosen sanctions for Hartz IV recipients. Those who experience solidarity also have duties, he says.

Labour market: union rejects weakening of Hartz IV sanctions

The Union strictly rejects easing of Hartz IV sanctions, which was envisaged by Federal Minister of Social Affairs of Hubertus Heil (SPD). "We abide by sanctions in SGB II," said union Bundestag group vice-Hermann Gröhe (CDU) of Rhenish Post.

"Those who claim solidarity of community to secure ir cost of living, for whom re is also obligation to participate," said former federal Minister of Finance. "Co-operation obligations without penalties make no sense."

Those who give up right to participate, ultimately claim to be able to empower people to lead ir own lives, added Vice-President responsible for labour market policy.

Previously, Labor ministers had announced salvation in time to consider "what penalties are still useful". For example, salvation makes sense for cutbacks, because society can expect a return. However, he is opposed to "more stringent rules than for older ones".

Date Of Update: 13 April 2018, 12:04