Password Manager: The last password you need to remember

People are not made to memorize many complicated passwords. Remedial password Manager. KeePass, Lastpass, 1Password and Dashlane in comparison

Password Manager: The last password you need to remember
  • Page 1 — last password you need to remember
  • Page 2 — Generate a new password for each service
  • Page 3 — KeePass: Full Control for hobbyists
  • page 4 — Lastpass: Also available for free
  • Page 5 — 1Password with Travel mode
  • Page 6 — Dashlane: Chic and a bit curious
  • Page 7 — Overall conclusion
  • Read on a page

    Passwords Geltenschon for years as an insufficient means, a Accountabzusichern. Often y are veröffentlichtoder by phishing attacks after hacks from companies – and because many users Fürmehrere accounts use same password, PotenzielleSchaden is all greater. However, for passwords some Ähnlicheswie Winston Churchill formulated it for Democracy: "DieDemokratie is worst of all forms of government, except Alleanderen". Any or solution has been worse.

    Even in times of VonFace ID, passwords remain necessary, wher as a backup for Diebiometrische auntication. To mitigate described Problemewenigstens, it is refore advisable to use einesPasswortmanagers, which generates different passwords safely speichertund new, secure. We looked at four BekanntePasswortmanager and kept m for Grundsätzlichtauglich – with a small exception.

    Password managers should also be mobile

    One of GroßenPasswortmanager families is KeePass project. Since 2003, Dasquelloffene has been developed, it is currently in version 2vor. With KeePass x There is a fork, also EsVersionen for Android and iOS and various plugins to program in browser. In addition to this solution, we have diekommerziellen alternatives Lastpass, 1Password and Dashlaneangesehen, each running on all common mobile undDesktop platforms. We have opted for password managers, each running on different platforms, international most users have more than one device that is protected smarty.

    It is especially important that password managers are also on road at Smartphonefunktionieren. Those who create secure passwords for ir email accounts and app-based services will hardly want to enter this aufSmartphonetastaturen mselves. At least under Android, passwords since Android Oreo with a password manager can no longer be used only on Web pages, but also on Appsweitergegeben. In previous versions, this is only Beschränktmöglich. iOS 11 makes it possible to use Apple's keychain to also equip apps with secure passwords.

    What else a password manager can do

    In test, programs are specially tested to see how well y fit in DenArbeitsalltag of users. The Lösungenunterscheiden we tested are in important details. Not all are protected by Einevollwertige two-factor auntication. Some laufenals browser extensions, ors are standalone software. Einigebieten also provides access to a Web interface. At Anfangsteht, refore, a fundamental decision: do I want to entrust MeinePasswörter to a cloud service? This is practical because it is available everywhere, but it carries risk of an attack service. If you don't want to, a manager from KeePass family will remain.

    One thing Jedochalle password managers have in common: y allow users to create new, random passwords, but in a unterschiedlichbequeme way.

    If you use a password manager, an ideal case should not only continue to use existing passwords and Dortabspeichern, but also generate new, strong passwords.

    Date Of Update: 11 October 2017, 12:07