Sex: Perhaps the most honest job in the world

Sex with clear rules of the game, and you even earn money: Our author has worked as an escort and has lived up to a fantasy of many people.

Sex: Perhaps the most honest job in the world
  • Page 1 — Perhaps most honest job in world
  • Page 2 — as free as ever — and more unclear than ever
  • Page 3 — moving from fantasy to reality few
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    For eight years I have worked as an escort. You could also say I made sex, but I like name "escort" better. I think it's crux of matter: people are accompanied by sex. I started doing this during my studies. Rarely have I had more than two appointments a week and never out of financial distress. The sex did well. I was able to choose my customers carefully. Most of time I spent with four regular customers.

    Since I have been talking openly about this in private circles, I have a wide range of people, sometimes completely unknown. You all consider working as an escort yourself and would like to learn more about it. In my opinion, sex is mainly based on its own exploration. Escort is diverse. It is often, but not only, about sex – but it is always about communication. If re is any rule fixed in first place, it is that everything decides in process. You start with it and gradually find out what you can do with whom and how far you want to go.

    Chris Shepherds

    has experienced a lot as an escort. He finds that sex should be regarded as a service among many. As this is still not case, he writes under pseudonym. For magazine "Neon" he wrote a column about his experiences.

    In recent years I have been discussing with well 50 people why y find profession escort so fascinating. Two principles, which also apply to myself, divide most: if you do it, n not because of money. Nor is it about breastfeeding a hidden addiction.

    Rar, many interested people seem to dream of open, permissive and safe sex. They are between 20 and 40 years old, look good in different ways and get along well with mselves and ors in ir lives. They discuss polygame lifestyles and try to make ir lives so that y can learn something from challenges. Most of times se people, like me, are with mselves and ir sexual attractiveness in pure, y know mselves and know very well what y are doing. Their sexual and cultural capital is great. Is it surprising that you are tempted to carry this capital also on monetary market?

    How does a sex life succeed?

    Interestingly, motivations of which potential sex and sex told me were not so much different from those of my clientele. The majority of those interested in sex hope to solve both a private and social problem: how can repeatedly claimed, but yet so difficult separation of sex and love be practically realized? How do you go about dating this separation by always giving option to sex and love? How, in short, is it possible to achieve a sex life that is not immediately overlaid with all its difficulties by love affair?

    How much love life has been unsettled in past decades has sociology Eva Illouz in books like Why Love Hurts and new love Order is examined. E. L. James ' Fifty Shades of Grey could only have been so successful, writes Illouz, because it provides an answer to crisis of romantic two-way relationship. In classic penny novels or Love films, roles are clearly distributed. The Knight redeems damsel at some point, and crowning kiss makes it clear what is guaranteed to follow. Today, however, so Illouz ' sis, it needs a sexual contract, so that two independent, emancipated individuals can bind toger romantically.

    Now relationship described in Fifty Shades of Grey has little to do with practice in real BDSM scene. There, everything is based on a strict definition of border and border crossing: clearer temporal and local framework of encounter is fixed, more joyful game partners can get into it, ir ordinary I for a Time.

    Date Of Update: 11 December 2017, 12:03