Social justice: Marx was too smart for the basic income

In Marx 39; books are all sorts of krudes stuff. Nevertheless, one can still learn a lot from him – for example about duties that Donald Trump likes, about Hartz IV or inequality.

Social justice: Marx was too smart for the basic income
  • Page 1 — Marx was too smart for basic income
  • Page 2 — Marx knew: Customs duties are good for capitalists
  • Page 3 — reminder: Don't let inequality become too big
  • Read on a page

    For a few weeks, Germans are all Marx connoisseurs – forcibly. For now, on occasion of his 200 birthday, it is hardly possible to escape him. Marx Transfigures what stuff holds. Although in his name much wrong Begangenwurde – and in his books also stands all sorts of krudes stuff that is heuteüberholt.

    Listen to this Marx, you want to call. Let man Undseinen beard Rest in peace!

    But that would be wrong. Marx was also one of his best analysts as most famous critic of Decapitalism. Those who heuteliest his writings find thoughts that fit surprisingly well to subjects that concern us year 2018. Two of most interesting topical debates Lassensich excellently rethink with Marx: trade dispute and DieSozialstaatsdebatte. So free trade versus Donald Trump's protectionism UndHartz IV versus basic income.

    At first glance, se two debates have nothing miteinanderzu do. One is about companies and how y act in world, that is, core of capitalism. At or around people and alleviating ihrerNot, that is, around core of state. One plays between great nations of world: Angela Merkel visits Donald Trump. The or plays in Germany between Berlin and Karlsruhe: Jens Spahn visits a Hartz IV recipient.

    Marx found globalization not only bad

    But Marx knew that both debates were closely related. One does not ly describe globalisation and trade when one excludes social initiated question, because world trade has an impact in every Land.Er intensifies effects of capitalism and can be social Gefügedurcheinanderwerfen. He makes many rich, ors unemployed, because Anderswojemand produces same better or cheaper. It depends essentially on denRegeln of a society, how that proceeds, i.e. state.

    Those who want to grasp se debates with Marx must first overcome two popular mistakes. First, Marx saw globalization Keinesfallsnur as a danger. He recognized in free World trade and EinhergehendenGlobalisierung rar a elementary power that changed world and thus eliminated auchviele structures from his point of view – which he welcomed. "DieBourgeoisie has made production and Konsumtionaller countries cosmopolitan by ir exploitation of world market," he wrote in Communist Manifesto. It has, to great regret of reactionary industry, pulled NationalenBoden under its feet. "

    Marx saw economic globalization as an opportunity for countries to liberate mselves from patriarchal and feudal structures and vomNationalismus. "The bourgeoisie rips through rapid Verbesserungaller production instruments, through infinitely facilitated Kommunikationenalle, even most barbaric nations into civilisation," he wrote. And also acknowledged means by which trade is so changing in world: "Diewohlfeilen prices of ir goods are heavy artillery, with which it shoots allechinesischen walls to ground with which it forces hartnäckigstenfremdenhass of Barbarians to surrender."

    From today's point of view, this is a description of reality, aberdamals it was a prophetic realization. For great InternationaleZeitalter was just beginning to erupt, and its effects were far from Sodeutlich.

    Date Of Update: 06 May 2018, 12:02