The Wolf, man is a wolf

Dealing with the outbreak of predators in the Bavarian forest shows how much the animals polarise. Tiersch ü supporters and Wolf opponent are ü cross.

The Wolf, man is a wolf

Outside in vast expanse of Bavarian forest, some people are more frightened. In social media on Internet, however, rage and disappointment of nature conservationists predominate: a national park makes hunting on a few wolves, who escaped from one of his outdoor enclosures at end of last week.

Previously, unknowns had apparently opened gate's castle. One of animals had been run over by a train on first night, a second one killed professional hunters of National Park on Sunday. The third wolf was shot on Tuesday morning, so that three animals are now roaming through Bavarian Forest and adjacent Czech national Park Šumava, which form largest contiguous forest area in Central Europe.

Halali to Great Hatz 1976, torn Wolves put region in turmoil as a child was bitten. by Karl Stankiewitz more...

In view of current discussion about return of Wild wolves, one wants to avoid conflict situations with man "in order not to make wild wolves a life in our forests impossible from outset". In any case, National Park administration justifies launch of animals, who spent ir entire life in enclosures and refore had too little shyness against humans. Their learned behaviour should not pass animals on to wild Wolf pack, which has been moving through Bavarian forest since this year.

However, wolf, which often places enormous distances, especially at night, does not necessarily require extensive forest areas to live in. He has long since arrived in cultural landscape. Since two decades ago first animals from Poland and Czech Republic have migrated back to Germany, mostly in Saxony and Brandenburg, in three or eastern Länder and also in Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein wolves are usually at The edges of forest.

In some places, individual animals or whole packs move through villages at night. Since n, some joggers have been terrified of neck, forest kindergartens send ir staff to training in use of wolf. Sheep farmers and farmers fear for ir livestock, hunters anxious for ir wildness. They have been calling for a change in hunting law for a long time.

Even though y are no longer directly threatened by extinction in Germany, wolves are under strict protection at European and national level. This does not help wolves who come from an enclosure like unrun animals in Bavarian forest. They are simply property of National park. But even in principle wolves are not considered wild in sense of hunting law. Only in Saxony are you on list of huntable animals, but re with year-round time. Neverless, after car accident, illegal killings are probably second most common cause of death among wolves.

Protectors have already left wolf carcasses almost demonstratively in landscape. Nature conservationists countered by placing rewards for clues to poachers. According to Federal Office for Nature Conservation last year, only a mere tenth of all wolves found dead since year 2000 have been proven to have died of natural death.

Once word "problem wolf" is in world, it becomes dangerous anyway-especially for wolf. The word is in analogy to "problem Bear", as Bavaria's n prime minister Edmund Stoiber had called 2006 famous, notorious and n soon-to-be-bear JJ1 alias "Bruno". The same is threatened by "problem wolves" as male with official name MT6, but wolf friends mourn as "Kurti". He was shot at end of April 2016 in Lower Saxony by a sniper of police. This first officially approved launch of a wolf in Germany justified Ministry of Environment in Hanover, which Kurti repeatedly approached people.

Wolves have already torn several hundred sheep

There was a dispute over wolf in Lower Saxony but also before. Meanwhile, he is even subject in Landtag election campaign. A scarce dozen packs of about ten times as many animals are to be found in Lower Saxony-and se wolves are now to have torn several hundred sheep. The shepherds fear for ir sheep and on coasts even around herds that keep grass short on dikes.

They are difficult to protect with help of targeted dogs as well as with high, stable and best-in-ground fences from attacks, as recommended by state Wolf advisers. Opposition candidates from CDU and FDP are calling for wolf to be admitted to hunting ground and, in limits, to be released for launch.

The red-green provincial government and still acting federal Minister of Interior Barbara Hendricks (SDP) continue to reject a record in hunting right, but have agreed on a harder pace: if you want to shoot whole "problem packs" now Let. Federal Minister Christian Schmidt (CSU) has already demanded a loosening of species protection for wolf to delight of hunting and farming associations in Brussels.

And even in south of Republic The Wolf was already in sight, even before unknown animals from enclosure in Bavarian Forest had escaped. At beginning of October, 300 farmers against wolf had been demonstrated in Munich.

Torn Wolves: You can't make idiots so easy this is why National Park administration has to rethink its security concept. Because obviously y wanted to create an unknown mood against wolf. Comment by Sebastian Beck more...
Date Of Update: 11 October 2017, 12:10