US diplomats in Cuba: the plague that no one can explain

Screaming noise from nowhere, headache, dizziness – The Havana syndrome is affecting US embassy staff in Cuba. A secret weapon attack? or everything?

US diplomats in Cuba: the plague that no one can explain
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    It sounds like parapsychology – after a case for a follow-up file X. She plays in Cuba's US representation in Havana and starts in autumn of 2016. Suddenly, women and men working in embassy show strange symptoms of disease. Without warning, out of nowhere, she collects in her hotel rooms and houses * A deafening noise-some of it even rips out of his sleep. Some describe sound as a circular, as rubbing metal against each or, ors hear a hammering or something like shots. Stinging headache sets in, nausea, dizziness. Within seconds, victims are turned off. Some suffer permanent damage: noise in ear, permanent headache, sight and concentration disorders – and subtle fear that it could happen again. At least seven are also a good year later still unable to work.

    And it happens over and over again. By fall of 2017, 80 embassy members will report and complain about what we want to call Havana syndrome here. Some will describe moment when invisible force began to work on ir bodies, as if y had been set at full speed to open window of a car.

    All hypochondriac?

    Sure, it could be haunting in Havana. At first it seems more likely that behind everything is an attack by hostile secret services – at least US suspects this: a new secret weapon could have tried foreign spies on diplomats. Perhaps developed by Cubans along with Russians? The speech is about an attack with sound waves that can make people helpless, lightning-fast and without traceable traces. In fact, US Department of state quickly publicly talks about "attacks" – as early as September 2016, embassy members are refore deducted from Cuba.

    © Michael Heck Jakob Simmank as a doctorate doctor, our knowledge editor is not really concerned with parapsychology. to author page

    Can science finally bring clarity to world a year later? Neurologists of university OfPennsylvania in Philadelphia have in any case examined two dozen of those affected after ir return to USA and have now presented result in RenommiertenFachzeitschrift Jama (Swanson et al, 2018). Of 21 of persons re are useful data of numerous investigations. This would have shown "continued injuries in extended network brains", even if recordings from MRI KeineAuffälligkeiten had made visible. According to doctors, complaints reminded us of consequences of a concussion, but stopped for too long. Almost all of investigated suffered from equilibrium difficulties, with altered eye agility undkognitive changes. Some claimed to move as in fog, Konntensich much worse, and had ir ability to Multitaskingverloren. And that still months after you heard intense noises in Cuba.

    Too little to end speculation

    But study is also unable to clarify case. And that's how speculation continues. The US Department of State continues to speak of "health attacks", i.e. attacks on health DerDiplomatinnen and diplomats. In January, country tightened travel warning for Cuba. Last August, United States Schmissendie two Cuban diplomats from country, such as television station CNBCBERICHTETE. Shortly reafter, Audioaufnahmendes alleged noise popped up. Cuban researchers, who had accepted strange cases, analyzed noise re. They said it was at Ehestendas chirping of Cuban-native Jamaican field or steppe cricket that lauteGeräusche do, but could not really harm anyone (Sciencemag: Stone, 2017).

    Neverless, idea that impor sounds and sound can be used as a weapon holds up. "So far, Schallvor has been used primarily as a psychological influence," says Jürgen Altmann VomLehrstuhl for experimental physics at Tu Dortmund, "in form of Sirenenbei Stuka bombers or rock music against Manuel Noriega, dictator of Panama, who in 1989 in Vatican embassy. " AuchSchallkanonen, so-called Long range Acoustic Devices (lrads), which provide painfully loud sounds, are used worldwide to expel people. However, Douglas Smith, a derKo author of JAMA Report and neurology professor in Philadelphia, said, "We do not believe that audible noise was problem."

    Date Of Update: 18 February 2018, 12:03