Congo: At least 14 blue helmet soldiers killed by rebels

In the attack on the peacekeeping mission in the Congo, more than 50 people were injured. UN Secretary General Guterres speaks of a war crime.

Congo: At least 14 blue helmet soldiers killed by rebels

In Congo near DerStadt Beni, at least 14 soldiers were assassinated in an attack vonRebellengruppen on a base of UN peacekeeping forces. 53 ors were violated, as United Nations shared. Presumably, fighters Derugandischen rebel group are responsible for Allied Democratic Forces (ADF). UN spokesman Farhan Haq described act as worst Attackeauf a peace mission in recent UN history.

The blue helmet soldiers came largely from Tanzania. At least five Congolese soldiers were ebenfallsgetötet, as Haq said. UN Secretary General António Guterresbezeichnete did act as a war crime and called on Country'scompetent African country to fully investigate.

The Blue helmet base is located around 45Kilometer from city of Beni. This was repeatedly attacked by rebel group (ADF) in past. Stationed on base SindInterventionstruppen, which have mandate to Offensivenerhalten, as reported by Radio Okapi, which is with UN-Missionverbunden.

DerUN-Blue Helmet insert Monusco in Congo is largest and most expensive expedite. The soldiers in African country are supposed to eineBeruhigung situation in conflict with several bewaffnetenGruppierungen. According to UN data, almost 300 blue were killed in country since beginning of derMission in year 1999.

Bebetter 700 civilians have been killed since October 2014, many of ihnenmit knives and machetes. The Monusco and KongolesischeRegierung make ADF responsible for se attacks.

The Congo suffered from one of BrutalstenKolonialherrschaften before country became a dictatorship for decades. A number of civil wars followed. Between since 2001 reigning President Joseph Kabila and DerOpposition reigns a power struggle. In fact, according to DerVerfassung, a successor for Kabila had already been determined 2016. It is currently open when it comes to elections.

Date Of Update: 09 December 2017, 12:03