Dortmund: Jobcenter waives deductions from Bettelndem Hartz-IV Receiver

Can a Hartz-IV recipient beg and keep the money without deductions of state benefits? Up to a certain sum yes, the authorities decided in Dortmund.

Dortmund: Jobcenter waives deductions from Bettelndem Hartz-IV Receiver

The dispute over transfer of Erbetteltem money to Hartz IV remuneration of an unemployed in Dortmund is settled. As Jobcenter has decided, man can now officially take 204.50 euros a month without having to cut his salaries.

The case had aroused nationwide stir. An employee of job had recognized man in begging. The Jobcenter estimated its revenues and cut monthly benefits by 270 euros. After a lawyer's objection, first 90 euros were left.

According to new regulation, man can now beg for up to half of his rule set – i.e. 204.50 Euro – without having to give an account of it. If he gets more money toger, he has to indicate this. Then, in individual cases, we decided what to do with money over this border, said a spokeswoman for job. Thus, a uniform procedure for such extremely rare individual cases was formulated, "in order to create clarity and security for all employees and customers."

The lawyer of unemployed person was satisfied with decision. "From our point of view this is a good regulation," said Juliane Meuter.

Date Of Update: 06 December 2017, 12:03