EU summit: EU to launch new asylum system 2018

A new timetable for two joint projects: the EU defence policy is to be reformed by the end of the year, the European asylum system by the coming summer.

EU summit: EU to launch new asylum system 2018

On first day of ir autumn summit, EU Member States have pushed forward joint projects. By mid-2018, y want to reform European asylum system, which has been controversial for years, and to lay foundations for a common defence union by end of year. The EU Council President Donald Tusk announced this schedule after discussions in Brussels in evening. Both topics will be discussed again at next regular EU summit in December and will be partly decided on definitively.

"Real chance to close route"

So far, European asylum system is based on so-called Dublin rules. Refugees must refore lodge ir asylum application in country where y are first to enter European soil. Countries such as Greece and Italy, however, do not want to carry this alone any longer. There are refore proposals to automatically bring refugees to or EU countries in such cases, but in particular Eastern European countries are defending mselves.

Neverless, reform in European Parliament took first legislative hurdle. The competent committee on Citizens ' Rights adopted a number of rules designed to ensure a fairer distribution of asylum seekers among EU countries. To this end, a fixed and binding distribution key will be adopted, which will be calculated according to population and gross national product of each country.

The Heads of State and Government, however, want to reduce number of refugees in general – and to do so, to curtail great escape routes. "We have a real chance to close central Mediterranean route," said EU president Tusk and announced greater support from Italian Government for ir cooperation with Libyan authorities. At end of November, EU summit with 55 African States in Ivory Coast is advising on issue, which is also to be resolved with an increase in so-called Emergency Trust Fund for Africa.

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In case of a common EU defence policy, framework for new cooperation under title of permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) is to be put in coming weeks. Then interested States can voluntarily commit mselves to progress in EU's Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) and to implement selected projects toger. This could, for example, be furr development of previously unused EU Combat Force (battlegroup) or construction of a European medical command.

This Friday summit will continue. Then EU's furr strategy in BREXIT negotiations is at top of agenda. The EU's relations with Turkey wanted to discuss heads of State and Government during ir dinner at end of first day of summit.

Date Of Update: 20 October 2017, 12:02