D ie Simpsons : Who laughs is a matter of power


In the United States, a Indischstämmiger comedian criticizes 34; Simpsons 34;. He finds that the figure of the APU is stereotyped and racist. Is he too sensitive?

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You can imagine many sources that spread crude racist clichés. That this accusation, however, would hit The Simpsons, n comes dochüberraschend. Is cult, created by Matt Groening, since 1989, not an ongoing chronicle of American relations, washed with all waters of cultural critique and reflecting this cultural critique in a progressive manner?

Recently HariKondabolu, an American comedian of Indian descent, drew attention in a self-produced documentary that The Simpsons-Figurdes Indian supermarket owner Apurassistisch was oversubscribed. The owner of notorious Kwik e-market reflektieredas archetypal cliché of stupid Indians: he pronounces a komischenAkzent, behaves less, and awakens impression that people with an Indian background are only used as service forces. It is known by German Comedyfigur Ranjid, who invented Turkish-born Kaya Yanar.

Hari Kondabolus Dokumentationheißt problem with Apu. Darinäußern has several celebrities with a South Asian background (such as Aziz Ansari from Success series Masterof none) about Apus role cliché and confirm that y are struggling with Zuschreibungenzu in everyday life, cemented by television shows like The Simpsons : So that Indischstämmige Amerikanernur as a late purchase owner, taxi driver or doctors in company. DemKwik-E-market owner will be a particularly damaging Rezeptionswirkungunterstellt, for example from actor UtkarshAmbudkar from comedy TheMindy Project: "The problem is that our minority in pop culture long time no or representation figure than Apu had. So this character is so dangerous. "

Tracked by clichés

It is precisely from deutscherPerspektive that one could find accusation incomprehensible: is it not a little exaggeration to designate a programme as discriminatory, which makes above all and every joke? Which transcends norms of PolitischenKorrekit studiously and does not shy away from derweißen of American middle class? It is easy to reject accusations as exaggerated. But that makes it too easy. Because if you genauzuhört protagonist of documentary, you begin to understand why people concerned react so annoyed and sometimes auchverletzt. For her, Apu is not a stupid joke, but a bunch of clichés that haunts her everywhere: at work, at party, InsFitnesscenter or on a date. Your life will be on same Stereotypereduziert. Again and again y have to deal with same role models, justify mselves and prove to ir environment that y are also something else könnenals Service force or taxi driver or doctor.

When Kondabolu asks a group of Indischstämmiger Americans if y have ever been kidding with demApu accent, y all jerk hand. It does not seem very edifying to learn that in original version of The Simpsons Apu is spoken by a white American, namely actor Hank Azaria, who does not actually have stupid (and in ethnic American community Existing) Apu accent also on events Öffentlichparodiert.

Although US alsGesamtgesellschaft a bigger problem with racism than we do in Germany, y are also more advanced in academic-public counter-discourse, in identification of racist and sexist clichés. Precisely because re are so many cultural minorities living in United States, DasBedürfnis is larger, open and unbiased in discussing rhetorical Grenzverletzungenzu – also undgerade because Donald Trump tramples on rights of minorities. Umsoschädlicher It works re when racist joke with argument Verteidigtwird, in The Simpsons it is a resatire and satire must be everything. The argument is simply banal and ignoriertdas destructive potential of racist humor. This accusation also hits Diedeutsche comedy landscape.

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