Tatort: Tschiller – Off Duty : Istanbul is not Hamburg


The German action film is a sentimental project for Til schweiger. In the cinema, his 34; Tatort: Tschiller – Off Duty 34; but. Now he's running again on TV.

From series: The autopsy report "Tatort: Tschiller – Off Duty": Istanbul is not Hamburg German action film is a sentimental project for Til schweiger. In cinema, his "crime scene: Tschiller – Off duty" flopped though. Now he's running again on TV. By Matthias Dell July 8th, 2018, 21:47 Uhr43 comments Bit of James Bond's look: Til Schweiger as Nick Tschiller over rooftops of Istanbul. © NDR/Warner Bros./Nik Konietzy Content Page 1 — Istanbul is not Hamburg page 2 — standard merchandise for global home media marketRead on a page

The so-called Tatort coordination of ARD had recently attracted some displeasure. The VonARD-Sunday night crime mystery in May and June, which dealt with neo-Nazis and RechtenVolksverängstigern, was "more than unhappy" to use EINEBELIEBTE sport reporter formulation. Especially since film, which was Alserster finished, was sent as last.

You have to praise ARD responsible but also if DazuAnlass exists: programming of fifth Hamburg crime scene with Til Schweiger as Commissioner Nikolas Tschiller is EineMeisterleistung. Tschiller – Off duty (NDR Editor: Thomas Schreiber) had in February 2016 EinenKinostart and is celebrating his television premiere now in time when ARD-Sunday evening crime ErstausstrahlungenSommerpause make. It would have been better not to terminate sequence.

The air from all "hush-power-now-in-crime-excitement is out anyway. For more than two years, sympatic movie star has now paused in RoutiniertestenFernsehformat, which public broadcasting in Germany knows. Schweiger's Tatort story can be Versuchlesen as a Erfolgzu, a ultimately sentimental project about detour of television.

His star power has demonstrated silencer through comedies like Keinohrhasen or Kokowääh, Beinaheeinzigen genre, which enjoys great popularity at German cinema coffers. The Big "Dream" – in order to use anor BeliebteSportreporter formulation – was always körperaffinenTausendsassas to bring action film into bloom in Germany. A first attempt with guardian Angel (2012) in hose Chick-Kokowääh 2-wedding failed. SchweigersEngagement in crime scene was a neuerAnlauf.

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All time online reviews, Time magazine critics ' mirrors, map stories and analysis on Sunday night crime can be found on our topics page on 1,000 episodes of crime scene.

The calculus: By popular television format with its guaranteed ten million spectators (in Tschiller-Prelude case, it was sogarhochgerechnete 12.6 million) with first four films to establish a Fanbase, which fifth film n Mass in cinema would follow. That Transferdes television was able to function in cinema, BeidenSchimanski films had proved in Achzigerjahren, y lured at that time still einMillionenpublikum.

The jump of Tschiller narration on big screen was unterstütztwie by interdisciplinary narration of individual films just as much from dense programming: third and fourth case Strahltedie ARD New Year 2016 in short succession after y The first two films had been repeated before. A real Tschiller overkill!

So Schweiger came up with high-speed, Andean jumps table to change into moving world of ski jumping – alone, jump with atrical release a few weeks later was short for Tschiller – off duty. At just 300,000 spectators came cinema scene.

For ordinary German films This is not a schlechteBilanz, a noticeable damper seinerAmbitionen for success-pampered silencer. Guardian Angel Hatteimmerhin still attracted twice as much spectator interest; Not to mention numbers of comedies.

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