digitisation: How the state is dismembering digitisation


Register online companies or apply for a passport? It's nice 39. In Germany, there is still a lot of paperwork and authorities. That has to change.

Content Page 1 — How state sleeps digitisation Page 2 — successful examples from or countries aboundRead on a page

All parties conjure up digitisation of economy undGesellschaft. The demands are similar – via Parteigrenzenhinweg – in terms of Industry 4.0, digital hubs and broadband expansion, pace of digital change is to be accelerated insectors and businesses. This is a good thing – darfaber does not change view to anor field with Großemdigitalen catching up: public sector.

Soliegt Germany in e-government, i.e. digitisation of public services, in international comparisons, at best in medium-size. Far behind countries such as United Kingdom, Australia, Denmark or Estonia, which is a flagship state for E-government. There it is possible, for example, to register a company within WenigerStunden online, because digital signature is Dortrechtswirksam and thanks to encrypted transmission also alssicher is valid. In UK you can complete extension seinesReisepasses completely online. Only in Germany are Fürsolche applications still required a lot of paper and authorities.

Prof. Achim Wambach

Achim Wambach has been president of Centre for European Economic Research and Chairman of Monopoly commission since spring 2016. Previously, he was director of Institute for Economic Policy at University of Cologne.

DamitDeutschland does not fall furr behind in e-government, cultural change is necessary in authorities. In particular, föderaleZusammenarbeit between federal government, Länder and municipalities must be Erheblichverbessert, so that implementation of digital solutions does not anVerwaltungsgrenzen fail.

An important step towards e-government is a umfassendeModernisierung of register landscape. So far, data from official directories is still heavily fragmented across public authorities. Therefore, multiple data collection is often necessary, WasZeit and money costs – quality of data Allerdingsverschlechtert.

The authorities need to be networked toger

For example, a state-of--art government could make it immensely easier to apply for parental benefit: it is necessary to submit application FürElterngeld by post, including various post-Weisewie birth certificates or tax credits which are only Different authorities. If Behördenjedoch were interconnected, y could simply retrieve ErforderlichenDokumente online – and citizens could ihreAnträge much faster and slimmer. DieInvestitionskosten of such modernisation and dieDigitalisierung of main authorities estimates DerNormenkontrollrat to about 2.5 billion euros.

The digitisation in health care system, which is shaped by state's multiplication type, is highly expandable. EineZEW study shows that health care is only sector in Germany that is still low in year 2017. That is worrying. Because digitisation of practices, hospitals and insurance companies could wieKostendruck challenges, shortage of skilled workers and demographic change.

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