Espionage: the Kaspersky Puzzle


Russian hackers have been sent to NSA tools by using Kaspersky's anti-virus software & #34; like some kind of Google & #34; They supposedly discovered the Israelis.

Content Page 1 — Kaspersky puzzle Page 2 — Kaspersky provided many cluesRead on a page

Spies who have caught spying Spionebeim spies – Sobeschreibt The New York Times, as US intelligence service NSAbemerkt that it has 2015 diverse, highly explosive tools lost.

The already wild-in--Russian, NSA and company Kaspersky LABBEKOMMT thus yet anor turn. In summary, Sienun says: About three years ago, Israeli intelligence DasNetzwerk had been hacked by Kaspersky. They n noticed that y were not only: Russian state hackers used KasperskysAntiviren software "like a kind of Google" to vonKunden computers – including several US authorities – according to "SensiblenInformationen" and conames for programs from Search US Geheimdienstenzu.

With at least EinemNSA employees y were refore found. The man HatteAnleitungen and tools to penetrate into foreign networks, as well as intelligence on how Secret Service defends US-amerikanischeNetzwerke, stored on his private computer. This computer had Kaspersky's software installed, which is prohibited by NSA's official computers. The Israelis alarmiertenihre allies from NSA with documents about RussischenAktivitäten, which ultimately led to of US Homeland Security Ministry (DHS) to prohibit all US Behördendie use of Kaspersky products.

As a reminder, NSA has a problem

Three comments ZurEinordnung: firstly, nothing is officially confirmed. The sources New York Times are all anonymous, participating and states do not comment on it, and Kasper Skylab shared that y were "not involved" in newspaper BeschriebeneGeheimdienstoperation and "Do not know anything about it". Kaspersky Lab has never helped EinerRegierung in ir espionage activities and will do auchniemals.

Second, report helps us authorities to distract from ir own failures and to focus attention on Kaspersky. This also applies to denkurz on Artikelzum issue published by The Washington Post. The fact that NSA has repeatedly einräumenmussteed, even after Snowden, not to have sufficient protection for top secret material, so that it could get into hands of unauthorised, suddenly does not seem to play any role anymore.

Every anti-virus software works in principle

Third, Diebeschriebene method of using an anti-virus program for espionage purposes is not limited to Kaspersky. To find malware, such programs now require extensive access to virtually all files stored on a computer, as well as a connection to provider, among or things, for perform known malware samples or signatures. The software AndererAnbieter, also American, could oretically be sogenau so compromised and abused.

Kaspersky LeitetNutzerdaten However on its Russian servers. The RussischeÜberwachungsexperte and government critic Andrej Soldatow Istüberzeugt that FSB Secret Service refore Einsehenkann this data. Kaspersky in turn says data is encrypted Undwürden also not decrypted for Russian government.

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