Michael Müller: Berlin Mayor launches discussion on basic income


For charitable jobs, there should be A 34; basic income of Solidarity 34; demands Berlin Mayor Müller. For example for babysitting or tidying up in parks.

Berlin's governing mayor, Michael Müller, proposed introduction of a "solidarity-based income" and thus triggered a discussion. Such basic income should include, for example, activities such as elimination of waste, cleaning of parks, planting of green stripes, accompanying and shopping services for disabled or even babysitting for single parent, he wrote in A contribution to Tagesspiegel. "Managing employment Agencies" should finally become "work-for-all-agencies". However, head of government has nothing to do with an unconditional basic income.

Unconditional basic income-1,000 euro a month, just so a Berlin start-up raffling basic income on time. Already 85 people have won, concept remains controversial. © Photo: My basic income e.v.

Müller made it clear in his text how precisely this basic income should be designed. The unconditional basic income is based on idea of providing a sum of money to every citizen without need for a service. Mueller, however, apparently wants to link such a lump sum payment to certain activities.

He received support for his reflections on "Basic income of solidarity", according to Tagesspiegel of several pages. The SPD vice-chairman Ralf Steger praised: "Müller wants to improve security systems of solidarity." Left politician Gregor Gysi expressed hope that Müller will find a majority in Bundesrat and in Bundestag for his push.

CDU rejects proposal

DGB's chief, Reiner Hoffmann, also commented positively: "The impulse for a basic income of solidarity goes in right direction when it is promoted, as Müller has thought, to a social labour market." Approval also came from German Institute for Economic Research (DIW): "I think it is right that as many people as possible can be brought into work with a basic income of solidarity that has a value for society," said DIW chief Marcel Fratzscher.

The Berlin CDU rejected Müller's proposal against it. General secretary Stefan Evers said, Müller's idea Blade "after a public employment program at a minimum rate". He can't believe it.

Z2X17-What happens if you give people unconditional money? With his organization, Joe Huston has transferred 1000 euros of basic income to people in South Africa. At Z2X17 Festival, he tells in five minutes what y did. © Photo: Time Online
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