Patients: Instructions for use for your doctor


The doctor-patient relationship is complicated. Encounters at eye level would be beautiful, but are rare. How patients still make the most of the doctor's visit

Content Page 1 — Instructions for your doctor Page 2 — Doctor and patient are partners of equal valueRead on a page

The problem has two sides. DieSeite of doctor and that of patient.

The patient comes to doctor's office, he is insecure, it is about his health, with most important in life, one always says, because one should be careful. The doctor, however, has only for him, waiting room is full, just had to be two Notfällezwischengeschoben, now it is necessary to work out traffic jam.

The relationship between doctor UndPatient is complicated and problem laden. But patients can do a lot to get best out of this relationship:

1) Inform yourself in advance – but correctly

A patient usually comes with certain complaints. To understand more of what Doctor says, it is not wrong to inform yourself beforehand. The only important thing is not to just search for Google. For example, if you are looking for "strong headaches", you will quickly encounter a dreaded brain tumor, while headaches in AllermeistenFällen are due to tensions. The search engine holds vieleAntworten ready, but how relevant information in individual cases are undwie likely to be certain causes, is usually not clear at first glance. Thus, search can quickly mislead and generate anxiety, doctors talk about notorious "Google's disease". Moreover, distorted perception of imnetwork can impede search for true cause – if physicians need to use KostbareGesprächszeit to correct half-knowledge of patients, classify m and explain correlations.

Better information provides professionally supervised portals. The website, for example, is operated by Institute for Quality UndWirtschaftlichkeit in health care (IQWiG) and publishes disease and symptoms as well as certain organs.

The website gives video lessons on functioning of body and provides a useful checklist for DenArztbesuch.

And anyone who understands findings of a specialist only train station can find help at re, medical student doctor letters translate into understandable language.

2) Prepare to visit doctor

The better bundled and structured information doctor receives from you, more time it will take to discuss furr steps and important questions. You can make start: They know what medications you are already taking. A SogenannterMedikationsplan, in which all medications and dosage are listed, gives doctor a quick overview. "It is only in this way that he can see wher bestehendeBeschwerden are caused by medicines or which Wechselwirkungenes could possibly give with new drugs," says Ferdinand Gerlach, director of Institute for General Medicine at Goe University Frankfurtam Main. So take a list of – or simply packs yourself.

The relationship between physician and patient has always been asymmetrical. One has expertise, or is not. This gradient is often reinforced by patent setting. "In hospital, a patient is often in bed while doctors are standing, one has a pajamas, while chief doctor wears a smock, all of which leads to a very difficult eye-height communication. There you get nervous, "says Gunter Frank, general practitioner from Heidelberg and author of numerous books, including asking your doctor, but right!: What makes patients strong.

The result of nervousness: patients sometimes dieSprache. You may be intimidated by decisive Momentnicht of what you wanted to ask doctor. In a weakened manner, Dasauch was in favour of visiting doctor's office. "In any case, it makes sense to think about what you want to know, ideally you write advantages questions," says Gunter Frank.

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