Asylum dispute: Schäuble warns Seehofer of his own powerful actions


The President of the Bundestag is looking for the dismissal of the minister if he should order the rejection of refugees against Merkel's will – she has no choice.

BundestagspräsidentWolfgang Schäuble (CDU) hatBundesinnenminister Horst Seehofer (CSU) warned against will of BundeskanzlerinZurückweisungen at border. "If a minister in this matter would decide differently than Chancellor, she has no choice out of dignity of her office," Schäuble said to Tagesspiegel. In this way, Schäuble referred to Angela Merkel's ability to dismiss a minister in violation of directives she has given.

InnenministerSeehofer had said that it was "extremely unusual to threaten competence of coalition with DemVorsitzenden of partner CSU. We will not be happy with that eir. " The Federal Chancellery had made an elephant out of a mosquito because of its plan, he told Süddeutsche Zeitung.

Merkelhat Seehofer's plan to reject certain refugees at border in NationalenAlleingang has been declared a question of ir policy competence. Seehofer says that he can make this decision alone as interior minister. Merkel warned Seehofer that in event of a failure of her efforts, he would rule out rejections at border.

"A subsidy program for demagogy"

Schäuble was confident that Merkel and Seehofer were kluggenug not to let it break. "I can only hoffenund am also sure that both look for a solution that not only ihreigenes face, but also face of or. Everything else Wäreunverantwortlich. " Injuries also played a role in conflict. But it is "completely irrelevant who is to blame for this dispute," Schäuble said. "One thing is fixed: he is a support program for demagogy."

DerCDU politicians warned against idea of dieFraktionsgemeinschaft of CDU and CSU in face of conflict. The situation today has nothing to do with that of 1976, when CSU had briefly terminated group's community with DerCDU. The union was n in opposition.

"We now mem in government," said Schäuble. That's a fundamental difference. There are questions DerStabilität country and party system in a completely different way. " Germany, Europe and entire democratic model are at a critical juncture.

Nordrhein-WestfalensMinisterpräsident Armin Tab (CDU) described date for dispute between CDU and CSU in Cologne City scoreboard as "völligirrational", as number of refugees in Germany Rückläufigseien strongly. He also criticized Seehofer: those who set national single courses risk "similarly unwise, uncoordinated solo courses elsewhere in Europe, where y are no longer registered in south of Europe." This could "in end result in number of refugees rising again with us."

SachsensMinisterpräsident Michael Kretschmer (CDU) clearly stood behind VorstoßSeehofers and urged a quick decision by Merkel. He is durchausfür a European solution, "but we now need to get result as soon as possible," he said to Saxon newspaper. The dispute in Union seifür CDU extremely dangerous.

Nahles: "Seehofer is a danger for Europe"

SPD chairwoman Andrea Nahleswarnte CSU against DieSpitze power struggle with Merkel. "Seehofer is a threat to Europe. And Continuewe to oppose us. Seehofer and Söder are on ir way to deutschenBrexit. " Nahles said at National Party Congress of NRW-SPD, she sees in debate many parallel to conservatives in UK. There, Europe had been insisted for years Schlechtgeredetund uncompromisingly on its own interests. It is astonishing to dahernicht that citizens had turned to Europe after this "years of sound". "And that's why I say: Fight DenAnfängen here."

The new North Rhine-Westphalian SPD chairman Sebastian Hartmann said: "The right-wing populists are in midst of Union." Bavaria's prime minister, Markus Söder and head of regional group, Alexander Dobrindt, are in asylum debate exclusively for forthcoming Landtag election in Bavaria, namely "on back of refugees and with Germany hostage". The SPD would "not go back a millimeter before right baiting".

Andrea Nahles-» Seehofer is a danger for Europe «SPD chairwoman Andrea Nahles has spoken out against national alone in asylum policy. The Social Democrats will oppose course of CSU, said Nahles. © Photo: dpa/Bernd Theseen
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