Basic security: Spahn does not want to try Hartz IV


Hartz IV did not mean poverty, Spahn had said. Sandra Schlensog contradicted him-and started a petition. Now the minister has visited his critic.

The CDU politician Jens Spahn has met with a Hartz IV recipient from Karlsruhe who had called on Minister of Health via Internet petition to live a month from basic security. The background was a statement by Spahns in March 2018: In an interview, Minister of Health said that Hartz IV did not mean poverty, but was response of solidarity to poverty. The unemployed and single-SCHLENSOG had subsequently asked Spahn to live for one month of Hartz IV. Spahn offered her a conversation in private.

For about an hour, Spahn and Sandra Schlensog spoke to each or-but minister did not like to get into experiment. He fears that many citizens might find it a "farce" if he tries to get along with a very narrow purse, Spahn said after meeting. "Because too clearly my professional life would not be close to real situation of a Hartz IV recipient." A total of 210,000 people had supported Schlensogs call until Saturday.

Spahn called it "helpful to discuss with Mrs. SCHLENSOG concrete problems of her everyday life". And he admitted: "Living with Hartz IV is undoubtedly difficult, because it only covers bare necessities as a basic social security." At same time he praised Schlensogs efforts to find work and also to put such an impressive campaign on his feet. "In my view, this shows that basic security works and that participation in social and political life is possible without existential hardship."

"We're here because it's time to get up"

Before meeting, about 100 people were demonstrating in downtown Karlsruhe. The participants demanded more money and a better treatment of social benefits. SCHLENSOG also participated in demonstration. "We're here because it's time to get up," she said at protest in Baden city. The minister accused m of trample with his statements on those who could least defend mselves. "Mr. Spahn, do not deny furr poverty that is causing Hartz IV. Ashamed of yourself, "said Schlensog before meeting with Minister.

The Hartz IV rule set is for a single 416 euro per month and for a full-time partner in a needs group of 374 euro. A child between 7 and 14 years of age gets 296 euros. 2017, re were an average of 6,070,000 Hartz IV drawers.

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