Donald Trump: As crazy as ever


The plan to chase Trump out of office because of his supposed mental decay is hardly going to happen. It poses more risks than opportunities for democracy.

Content Page 1 — as crazy as ever Page 2 — legally staged coup d'état Page 3 — too much power for a humanRead on a page

How unpredictable does US President Donald Trump behave? This debate has been conducted almost permanently for a year now. In Dervergangenen week, however, it has received new impetus. Is ervielleicht even mentally ill?

"The President of United States is not doing well," Ezra Klein, a well-known American columnist, has recently claimed. " The President of United States has become one of greatest dangers to securityof United States, "wrote NewYorker editor-in-chief David Remnick in a piece about" WachsendeUntauglichkeit of Donald Trump. " The speculations about Trump's psychischenZustand were so omnipresent in past days that even he himself Remy subject. He was "a very stable genius," tweeted Trump.

Like most narratives about Trump pushing plötzlichund with power into big media, this is just as alarming as potenziellberuhigend. It is very alarming because fate of world is now in DenHänden of a man who may not be in full possession of his geistigenFähigkeiten. But it also has something soothing because Trump's mentally decaying path could point to an obvious solution. In order to zubefreien US out of its predicament, Americans would have to do nothing more than invoke 25th Amendment to Constitution and call Trump "incapable" of "dieBefugnisse and fulfilling duties of his office" – and reby desPräsidentenamts him out.

As tempting as this reading of Trump's behavior is, Siefaktisch is not really underpinned and could be in a political disaster. It is very questionable because re is (at least so far) nurwenig evidence that Trump's state of mind is actually verschlechterthat. The many tweets and articles claiming that Trump is Verstandverliert, also claim that he is more and more obsessed with himself. More and more delusions of his own abilities. That investigators, while seemingly believing his own lies. And that he was selfish seials ever before.

Trump has always been lying

All this is true. But none of this is new. As far as we know from his long, entrepreneurial career, Trump was always in a childish way obsessed with his EigenenBerühmit – in 1980s, for example, he spent his own press spokesman on telephone conversations with journalists. His self-perception as a brilliant businessman was never covered by reality: if he had seen all his business and had put his inheritance in S P 500, he would be even more wealthy today.

Trump has always been willing to lie for his own benefit: promises he made to students at Trump University were just as inflated and insubstantial as promises he denDurchschnittsamerikanern now makes with his tax reform. And of course, he was always incredibly selfish. Damuss You only ask many contractors he never bezahlthat for ir services.

To make one thing clear: that Trump's mental Zustandnicht has clearly worsened, does not mean that he is not mentally ill. Donald Trump may have been suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder or demNarzissmus, which various self-appointed psychiatrists attest to him.

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