Government Education: Heavenly Peace


So far, union and SPD probing have been keeping their vows of silence – a pleasing advance from the Jamaica chatter. It speaks for more seriousness.

When Cardinals elect a new pope, Sietraditionell are trapped in Sistine Chapel in Rome until white smoke rises. In past, crimson carriers did not get einmalzu food during conclave to speed things up. To this day, only means of communication to outside world is a small cannon furnace in which voting slips are burned. Black smoke from fireplace means: no agreement. White means: Habemus papam – We have a new pope.

Similarly, party-and Fraktionsvorsitzendenvon CDU/CSU and SPD now seem to want to proceed as well. When y met on Sunday for ir first exploratory round after ir preliminary talks at Dersozialdemokratischen Party headquarters, NurSPD general secretary Lars Klingbeil was allowed to redistribute a little benevolent atmospheric smoke afterwards. All or negotiators were kept silent.

For US journalists and media, including Dersogenannten new, The Silence is stupid. Because we live by spreading information. This also includes intermediates of negotiations – and with preference is reported about strife and bickering, because that brings attention and high cashiers, Vulgo: clicks.

Learned from mistakes of first attempt

For us as citizens – and presumably for most übrigenMenschen in country – great silence after Demvierwöchigen great media whizzing during probing of Union, FDP UndGrünen but a boon. In se strenuous weeks, for good reason, one could Eindruckhaben that negotiators were arguing more outside doors of Verhandlungssaalsmiteinander than to seek agreement inside. In end, re was great failure.

That tips of old and possibly new MittelgroßenKoalition now decided first, to stop comparable this time after Perfectway, is pleasant, even if we can now until planned end DerSondierungen only speculate wher it works this time. It says that Beteiligtenaus have learned mistakes of first exploratory experiment.

Their current negotiations are LetzteVersuch to avoid a reelection, which would probably not bring a very anderesErgebnis than on 24 September and refore kaumleichter matter. The Union and SPD are refore condemned to very ernsthaftenAnstrengungen. And we're waiting for ors.

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