Champagne: global sales at their lowest since 2009

Dom Pérignon, the benedictine monk inventor of the champagne in the Seventeenth century, must be turning in his grave. For the first time, the sales of this app

Champagne: global sales at their lowest since 2009

Dom Pérignon, the benedictine monk inventor of the champagne in the Seventeenth century, must be turning in his grave. For the first time, the sales of this appellation in France were lower than last year exports. In decline since 2010 (it was then sold 185 million bottles), shipments in france fell a further 4.2 %, to $ 147 million. "The French market is probably affected by the socio-economic context", writes the Committee Champagne. France does not represent more than 48.7% of the global market, against 61.6% in 2009.

due to the decline In French, the worldwide sales of champagne have fallen by 1.8 % last year, to 302 million bottles. This is the lowest level since 2009, when sales had plunged to 293 million after the financial crisis. The past year again, the exports ( + 0.6 per cent) have been learned by the market in extra-eu (+ 2,1%), become more important than the european market (excluding France), with 79 million bottles.

" SEE ALSO - "The champagne has been invented by the English!"

Those who prefer to see the glass half full can rejoice in observing that in terms of turnover, the global market remained at the record level by 2017, to 4.9 billion euros. The vintage 2018 confirmed yet the new order into force in the economy of champagne for a few years.

Only the trading houses are able to export to distant countries bottles valued, are able to pull their pin of the game. The leaders of the first of them, Moët & Chandon, must drink the whey. Their predecessors were visionary when they were invented, in the 1930s, a prestige cuvée has since become the benchmark of the profession. His name? Dom Perignon.

Date Of Update: 14 February 2019, 00:00