Finish off these duplicates administrative cost 60 billion each year to France

In the wake of his general policy speech of June 12, 2019, the prime minister Edouard Philippe Figaro issued a circular very important relating to the impleme

Finish off these duplicates administrative cost 60 billion each year to France

In the wake of his general policy speech of June 12, 2019, the prime minister Edouard Philippe


issued a circular very important relating to the implementation of the reform of the territorial organization of the State. It is nothing less than THE roadmap to success so the unraveling of skills, whether it be the State, local authorities, or operators of social security institutions. In the clear, finishing off with the duplicates at all levels that knows the France and that cost us about $ 60 billion of extra costs annually. If the advertising is beautiful, the text itself is far less ambitious.

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The State transfers although some of its competences to the territorial communities, but this remains anecdotal at this stage. And it is only in the field of tourism (regions), urban planning (EPCI)...

For example, regions, volunteers on the model of Britain could delegate powers in the area of support to the cultural industries. We understand that on the culture, the regional directorates of State for cultural affairs (DRAC) will remain in place and that we are not there in a real decentralisation of tasks from the State to the communities.

Idem as regards the subject of the economic attractiveness of territories: the State, with the Direccte (regional Directorates of companies, competition, consumption, labour and employment), will remain on the territories in duplicate regions, which have the mission of economic attractiveness...

A new act of decentralization needed

To go beyond, a new act of decentralization would be necessary to define the transfer of responsibilities and the blocks of skills involved. To really move forward in the matter, the more than 800,000 agents of the national Education which are located in the territories should be the responsibility of the regions and not of the State, the cultural missions also, Pôle emploi and the placement of the unemployed as well...

Without that, that is still 1.3 million State employees who will be stationed in the territories, duplicated for a lot of them with the territorial agents or social agents.

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instead of easing the tasks of the State and to refocus on its sovereign mission, as suggested by the Court of auditors in its report on the State devolved, the ministry of national Education and higher education are strengthened in their missions in the territories by the acquisition of the certification and training in the field of youth, associative life and sport, but also in the social sector, health and allied health professions. The rectors récupéreraient also regional delegations for research and technology (hierarchical authority).

The DGFiP (Direction générale des finances publiques) is not in rest since it would transfer the collection of taxes planning in terms of urban planning, and finally the CAF récupéreraient the residual jurisdiction of the State in family policy, while hunting federations récupéreraient some of the powers of control of local associations of hunters.

One of the networks of public services in the most dense of Europe

as to the policy of "proximity", the deployment of the Houses in France service would home to the same place of the "services of the State, operators and local authorities." If 300 are projected by the end of the tenure so as to have a point of contact by canton, it will lead to the merger as expected between the homes of service to the public (worn by the local authorities) and the houses of the State (focusing on the prefectural services). But nothing is less sure so that the map of France shows one of the densest in Europe with respect to public services on the territory, even in rural areas, contrary to received ideas. Careful not to duplicate these losses with these Houses France services of the already existing networks.

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With this circular, to the prefects take importance and become the true masters of the rationalization of the implementation of public services on the territories and guarantors of the establishment of contact points to close. The State is, more than ever, the flexibility in our territories and far from let really of the missions to the communities.

The expected simplification is not at the rendez-vous, and even less the savings that one could take to remove all of these regional directorates of the State unnecessary. When will we truly enter a phase of decentralization and deconcentration, which are not vain words?


The Macronomètre, the observatory of reforms in the government, is a site of the Fondation iFRAP in partnership with The It is a tool dedicated to the assessment of the quinquennium of Emmanuel Macron: econometric evaluation in relation to its electoral programme and announcements of his government. With The Macronomètre, the action of the government is to be marked out of 10 each Wednesday prior to the council of ministers and becomes readable in a single glance. The Macronomètre allows each to make a notice on the holding or not of the promises of the president of the Republic and on the effectiveness of the reforms of the government.

Date Of Update: 04 July 2019, 00:00