Construction holidays: watch out for roadside parking lots

With the construction holidays beginning, traffic on the road network is to be expected and vehicles could stop on the side of the road.

Construction holidays: watch out for roadside parking lots

With the construction holidays beginning, traffic on the road network is to be expected and vehicles could stop on the side of the road.

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In order to avoid accidents, the Ministère des Transports du Québec reminds you of the rules to follow when parking on the side of the road.

"Vehicles parked on the side of the road can represent a danger for users," said Transport Quebec in a press release.

Thus, motorists must ensure that they do not obstruct automobile and bicycle traffic. In addition, it is forbidden to stop on the side of a highway, except in an emergency situation. "On other types of road, signs may also prohibit parking in certain areas or according to defined periods," it added.

Make sure that there are no signs prohibiting parking at the side of the road.

Completely clear the roadway on roads where the posted speed is 70 km/h or more and, in any case, avoid obstructing the movement of road vehicles.

Ensure that the parked vehicle does not obstruct traffic or work in progress, if applicable.

Ensure that the signage in place remains visible to other users.

Avoid parking at the same height as a vehicle already parked on the other side of the road.

Leave free access to businesses and private properties.

Refrain from stopping on a cycle lane.