Justin Trudeau compared to Jim Carrey with his summer haircut

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appears in a new look that is not necessarily young with his summer haircut that makes him look like a movie character.

Justin Trudeau compared to Jim Carrey with his summer haircut

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appears in a new look that is not necessarily young with his summer haircut that makes him look like a movie character.

On social networks, Internet users compare Mr. Trudeau's haircut, cut almost to the nape of the neck, to the crazy look of Lloyd Christmas embodied by Jim Carrey in "Dumb and Damber".

Comments on Trudeau's new style abound on Twitter and Internet users comment on the example of this user who split a criticism borrowed from the jargon of statisticians.

"So now... either you cut your own hair or literally everyone hates you - including your hairdresser," he quipped a tad seriously on the same social network.

Even if Trudeau's new face immediately suits all face shapes, some have not failed to note the Liberal leader's penchant for improvising in the look of celebrities.