Quebecers are tired of the mining Wild West

Quebecers refuse to sacrifice their health and the environment in the name of the economy and the mining industry, according to a Léger poll released on Tuesday.

Quebecers are tired of the mining Wild West

Quebecers refuse to sacrifice their health and the environment in the name of the economy and the mining industry, according to a Léger poll released on Tuesday.

"[People] are demanding major reforms to reduce the industry's footprint, protect people's health, and require community consent before any mining activity takes place on their territory," reads a statement released by the Ministry. Leger survey team.

Nearly four out of five Quebecers (79%) say that we must prioritize health and the environment before the economy, even if this means stopping certain mining projects. Only 28% of people polled believe the mining industry and government are doing enough to protect the environment.

A total of 80% of respondents agree that governments should prioritize the reuse and recycling of minerals before operating more mines and 54% believe that reducing mining extraction is necessary to combat climate change .

Almost all individuals support strong environmental measures to ban the dumping of mining waste into lakes and welcome the addition of significant penalties.

Three out of four people call for a ban on any mining project in tourist or resort areas and 78% of respondents are in favor of the idea of ​​requiring the consent of people in the localities concerned before going ahead with a project. mining.

The survey was conducted from July 11 to 18 with 995 Quebecers, 50% of whom were Montrealers.