She gets a $1000 tip on Christmas Day

A waitress at a restaurant in Wisconsin, USA, got quite the gift on Christmas Day.

She gets a $1000 tip on Christmas Day

A waitress at a restaurant in Wisconsin, USA, got quite the gift on Christmas Day...a $1,000 tip from a customer.

As usual, Callie Blue was working Christmas at the restaurant “Gus’s Diner”, which specializes in lunches.

Arriving at 5:30 a.m., she expected a day like any other, where she receives tips ranging from 10 to 15%.

However, that morning, the CEO of a major entertainment company in the United States showed up at his restaurant. She didn't know him at all.

“[...] I spoke to him for 45 minutes, since it was not really busy. It was his first visit to us, and when he left he left me $1,000 [...]. I thought it was a joke, but when I realized it was true, I cried and was very grateful,” she said.

A recurring act of generosity

Contacted by CNN, Michael Johnson, the CEO of the company "Boys and Girls Club", pointed out that he makes this type of "surprise" donation every year.

“I have already paid for a car for a family of five. We give a lot of toys to families in need,” he said.