Sánchez highlights the unemployment and affiliation figures for October: "Spain grows and creates jobs"

He defends that the plan to moderate inflation works and the Spanish economy will grow above 4% this year.

Sánchez highlights the unemployment and affiliation figures for October: "Spain grows and creates jobs"

He defends that the plan to moderate inflation works and the Spanish economy will grow above 4% this year


The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has assessed the data on unemployment and affiliation to Social Security known this Thursday for the month of October, highlighting that Spain "is growing and creating jobs".

Sánchez has highlighted, through a message published on his 'Twitter' account, that in the month of October 103,500 more Social Security affiliates were registered and there was the greatest decrease in unemployment this month, with 27,027 unemployed less. "More employment and higher quality", he has emphasized.

In addition, the head of the Executive has stressed that the Government's plan to moderate inflation is working, since the Consumer Price Index has already dropped to 7.3%, according to the latest data provided by the corresponding National Institute of Statistics to the month of October.

All in all, Sánchez has pointed out that the Spanish economy will grow "above 4%" this year, according to the latest known indicators. In fact, the First Vice President and Minister of Economic Affairs, Nadia Calviño, has already advanced that the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will grow this year by more than the 4.4% forecast by the Government in the budget plan.