What to do when your neighborhood is too noisy?

You have just moved in and your new neighborhood is noisy.

What to do when your neighborhood is too noisy?

You have just moved in and your new neighborhood is noisy. Between the dog barking, the music playing late at night and the kids screaming, you can't take it anymore. What can you do ?

Talk and negotiate

Before considering legal action, the first solution is to try to talk to the noisier people in your neighborhood. The law does not set a time limit for making noise. In other words, you must respect the rules of good neighborliness while enduring some normal inconveniences.

If you live in an apartment building, your house rules may have noise policies. If this is not the case, consult the municipal regulations: some municipalities specify, for example, the hours during which noisy activities are permitted.

If an agreement is impossible

If, however, you think the noise is an "abnormal" inconvenience and you can't get along with your neighbor or neighbour, you can go to court. The court can:

You can also opt for citizen mediation. Citizen mediation is a free solution, faster and more flexible than the court. It also helps to maintain relationships.

The criteria in court

To decide on the question, the court will determine whether the noise is an abnormal inconvenience. The court will consider whether the noise:

The court can also take into account the location of the residence and the lifestyle of the neighborhood to render a decision adapted to your situation.