Fitness Studio-Boss went over to Yelp: It is those delivered, Yes,

the The Federal court of justice takes Yelp reviews under the magnifying glass. Background: In the overall grade for all reviews are not included. the forme

Fitness Studio-Boss went over to Yelp: It is those delivered, Yes,
  • The Federal court of justice takes Yelp reviews under the magnifying glass. Background: In the overall grade for all reviews are not included.
  • the former Bodybuilding world champion Renate Holland, who now runs several fitness studios in the area of Munich has Sued.

The fitness Studio operator Renate Holland (67) calls for more transparency of the review platform Yelp.

"not know The but its own algorithm," said the former Bodybuilding world champion, the German press Agency in Brunnthal / Munich - shortly before her lawsuit against the Online Portal in the last round. This Tuesday (14. January) will be decided by the Federal court of justice (BGH) in Karlsruhe, about whether Yelp was allowed to ignore the good reviews of Hollands fitness studios for the total evaluation (Ref. VI ZR 495/18, etc.).

rating platform Yelp works with star ratings

On Yelp can rate the users of Restaurants, service providers and shops and even gyms. To be awarded a star ("Wow, not the time at all!") to five stars ("Wow! It couldn't be better!“), in addition, you can write something. In the overall assessment, all assessments are not included, however. PDF More content!

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One of the automated Software identified the "recommended posts" that keeps Yelp is particularly helpful or authentic. Yelp stresses that all assessment platforms work, to Fake to be filtered out reviews and announced a statement after the verdict on Tuesday. The criteria for selection include the quality according to Yelp, for example, the trustworthiness and the previous activity of the user.

on average, about classified three-quarters of the contributions as recommended, says Yelp. Not so in the case of Renate Holland: one Of your Studios 2014 in February with 2.5 stars here. Basis only two of the reviews were. 74 mostly very positive contributions were not taken into account. "I would normally have about 4 to 4.5 stars." Amorebio - 100% Fresh (display)

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Yelp: David against Goliath

"That's strange, that one passes the simple," says the 67-Year-old who complained against this practice, in the first instance before the district court failed, in the second before the higher regional court (OLG) of Munich but got. "Bad reviews can be fake - from the competition, for example," she says. Also surprised that users have already submitted more than 1000 reviews are considered to be particularly reliable. "Who is so often in a Restaurant, and a rating of so often?"

For Holland, it is a fight of David against Goliath. "One is delivered, Yes. Today I will Yes rating everything and everyone is driven by - Yes also, if I'm going to go eat.“ You don't fight only for themselves and for their fitness studios - "but also for other small businesses that may not have the resources to fight back". If you think on Tuesday, you'll already be a bit nervous, she says. "This is now already for six years. Either I am looking forward to the judgment, or I am sad.“ Greta Thunberg reveals who controls your Social Media presence, FOCUS Online/Wochit Greta Thunberg reveals who controls your Social Media presence

Date Of Update: 14 January 2020, 01:01