Collective bargaining: Public service threatens warning strikes

Even before Easter, employees of daycare centers, garbage collectors and airports could lay down their jobs: unions want to put pressure on collective bargaining.

Collective bargaining: Public service threatens warning strikes

Public service workers want to go on strike before Easter. According to Ver. DI chief Frank Bsirske, re should be warning strikes in all areas of public service of municipalities and federal government. Airports would also be affected, but not in holiday traffic at Easter.

In ir second round of negotiations, trade unions and public employers had not approached collective bargaining dispute. The confederation had gone on Monday without an employer offer in two-day fare round. Toger with municipal employers ' association, he rejected trade union claims as too high. Ver. Di and Confederation of officials demand six percent more pay, with a side claim of seven percent. This is equivalent to six billion euros, which are to be borne mainly by municipalities.

"If employers continue to negotiate at pace, n we need longer than Bundestag parties for formation of government," criticized Ulrich Silber Bach, federal chairman of German Civil Service Confederation DBB. That is "fare procrastination, not collective bargaining". State tax revenues have been "unprecedented" for months, while re are always new reports of missing staff and problems of young people in public sector. Instead of dissolving this contradiction and making a bargain offer, employers would talk "as if we are in midst of a massive recession and as if young people's problems in public service were an invention of unions," says Silber Bach.

The negotiations will be conducted for 2.3 million employees at federal and local authorities, among m educators, employees of waste disposal, street cleaning, clinics, savings banks and federal Police. The final round of negotiations is scheduled for mid-April.

Date Of Update: 14 March 2018, 12:02