COMMUNICATION: FCC Environment celebrates World Quality Day

(Information sent by the signing company).

COMMUNICATION: FCC Environment celebrates World Quality Day

(Information sent by the signing company)

On the occasion of World Quality Day, and in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the certification of its ISO 9001 Quality system, FCC Environment has held a round table of experts on the importance of quality in municipal services.

The event, which took place today, Thursday, November 10, at the company's headquarters in Las Tablas (Madrid) and was broadcast live telematically, was led by Francisco José Huete, director of the company's Management Systems department, and has had the participation of AENOR, the Institute for Spanish Tourism Quality (ICTE) and the Spanish Association for Quality (AEC). After a brief introduction by Jordi Payet, General Manager of FCC Environment, who highlighted highlights that for a service company that is a benchmark in the environmental sector that stands for its excellence, the implementation of a quality system constitutes a fundamental milestone in its history, the company received recognition for the 25th anniversary of its Quality certificate from by Rafael García Meiro, General Director of AENOR. García Meiro highlighted the importance of ISO 9001 as a flexible tool capable of adapting to many realities: "FCC Environment has successfully developed the implementation of an integrated management system, with the determined drive of the organization's leadership. This certification serves as an orderly gateway to the world of quality, and it can also be the vault key of a complete system of excellence such as the one that FCC Environment has I am convinced that in these 25 years this certification has been a reference ally in the expansion of the company, both in the portfolio of services and in the countries in which it operates". The round table discussed important aspects of quality systems, such as their influence on the business world and especially on the provision of services municipal; its future and the improvement that these services have brought about.Fernando Fraile, director general of ICTE, highlighted that "what is not evaluated is devalued; quality systems are essential for any company, but for them to be truly effective , must be permanently evaluated by approved entities that can certify them". For his part, Avelino Brito, General Director of the AEC, stated: "Digitalization and new technologies have brought about a revolution; nowadays customer experience feedback is available practically immediately, and the evolution of the Quality system will be seen very affected by this transformation". Javier Mejía, Director of Marketing and Business Development at AENOR, emphasized that ISO 9001 is today a lever for addressing sustainability from an ESG approach: "We have an example of this at FCC Environment and its Strategic Sustainability Plan 2050, which defines biennial action plans for the progressive achievement of its objectives". Susana Pelegrín, head of the Department of Quality, Environment and Sustainability at FCC Environment, highlighted: "the excellence of FCC Environment integrated into the quality and values ​​of citizens." About FCC Environment FCC Environment is the company of the FCC Group that, for more than 120 years, has provided municipal services and comprehensive waste management, serving more than 60 million people in 5,200 municipalities. It carries out a wide variety of activities for citizens, such as comprehensive waste management, street cleaning, maintenance of green areas or energy efficiency services, among others. In April 1997, it was the first company in the municipal services sector to obtain certification for its Quality System in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard.

ContactContact name: FCC EnvironmentContact description: FCC EnvironmentContact telephone number: 91 757 3327