Mexico: Writer Sergio Pitol dead

He was regarded as a particularly imaginative narrator: with Sergio Pitol, one of the most important authors of Latin American literature died.

Mexico: Writer Sergio Pitol dead

The MexikanischeSchriftsteller Sergio Pitol is dead. He died at age of 85 years after a long illness at his home in Xalapa, Teiltedas Mexican Ministry of Culture. He was a achievment Spanish-speaking author and translator.

Pitol was alsbesonders imaginative storyteller. He wrote tales, novels, essays, poems and biographies. He also worked as a translator of world literature. Soübertrug works by Anton Chekhov, Joseph Conrad or HenryJames in Spanish. Pitol was a language talent: he Beherrschtesieben spoke fluently.

The literature was fürPitol a salvation. As a child, he lost both parents and Erkranktedann severely to malaria. For a long time he could not leave bed. " Since I was a child, literature and atre have been stetsmeine places of refuge, "he said. Later, Pitol studied Juraund philosophy. As an adult, he first suggested EineDiplomatenlaufbahn before he arbeietete as a writer.

Seinenwichtigsten works include married life, Defile of love and divine snipe. In year 2005 he was awarded with DemCervantes Prize, highest award Fürspanischsprachige literature. Pitol processed many derStationen of his life in his books: The TraumatischeKindheit, work as a cultural attaché in France, Hungary, Poland and of former Soviet Union. "Almost all my work Istautobiografisch," he once said, "with a shot of exaggeration."

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Date Of Update: 13 April 2018, 12:04