Need: Spahn defends Essen plate

No one in this country would have to starve even without tablets – Hartz IV Rich, said the future health Minister Jens Spahn. He considers the procedure in Essen to be correct.

Need: Spahn defends Essen plate

The future Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) warned against a contempt of German social system in view of debate on Essen table. "Nobody would have to starve in Germany if re were no tablets," said Spahn to newspapers of Funk Media Group. With Hartz IV "Everyone has what he needs to live".

"Hartz IV does not mean poverty, but is response of our solidarity to poverty," said CDU politician. "We have one of best social systems in world." The basic legal security is accurately measured and regularly adjusted. "More would always be better," admitted Spahn. "But we must not forget that ors are paying se benefits through ir taxes."

Spahn defended recording stop for foreigners on Essen table. Young men disobeyed re "so bold and robust that older or single-handed people have no chance of getting anything from food," he said. "That n measures are taken, I find right."

The Essen table had established stop for foreigners, which had been in force since 10 January, with a high proportion of those seeking help from board. Lastly, fewer locals have come to food issue, especially older women have felt deterred by young, foreign-speaking men.

"Dignified life from your own work"

SPD deputy Ralf Steger criticized SPAHNS statements. "The problem in Germany is poverty and not refugees," he said to newspapers of Funk Media Group. "That is why we must do much more against age poverty, but also against child poverty." The tablets did "an outstanding job, but it would be better if y were not needed at all", added Steger. It is not primarily a question of higher social benefits, but of "a dignified life from your own work".

Even tablets mselves complained about failure of social policy in context of debate on procedure in Essen. German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) had distanced himself from decision of Essen table for recording stop, for which she was criticized for her part. On Friday, prime minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Armin Flapt (CDU), had practised criticism of Essen table: he considered it wrong to distinguish between Germans and non-Germans – criterion for wher someone would receive food on a blackboard must Irrespective of nationality.

The number of signs supported by board has risen sharply in recent years. This does not necessarily mean increasing hardship in Germany, says SoziologeStefan Liebig, who has been head of socio-economic panel at German Institute FürWirtschaftsforschung since beginning of year (SOEP). "Manchemögen be reliant on tablets. Ors may only use it because Esdas offer is just re, "says Liebig. "They give mselves such financially low air, although support y receive from state could also fürLebensmittel."

Date Of Update: 11 March 2018, 12:02