Paleontology: Fish dinosaurs in the size of a blue whale

26 meters long ichthyosaur have lived in the prehistoric seas 205 million years ago. This is what researchers found on the basis of a fossil mandibular bone.

Paleontology: Fish dinosaurs in the size of a blue whale

An international team of researchers at Derbritischen University of Manchester has found that 205 million years ago giant fish dinosaurs have been in prehistoric Meerengelebt. The ichthyosaur were up to 26 meters long and Damitetwa as large as a blue whale, research team reports after U.K. of a fossil mandible from Großbritannienim magazine Plos one.

The investigation also proves that this undähnliche found bone in UK does not Dinosaurierngehörten. This was presumed for a long time due to size of bones.

The researchers for Dean Lomax had already found Überrestedes mandible in British Lilstock in 2016. The bone, which is almost one metre long, is broken into five parts and not completely. By comparing it with bones of or ichthyosaur, researchers drew conclusions on DieKörpergröße of prehistoric animals.

Date Of Update: 11 April 2018, 12:03