Social networks: the Good Internet

The internet interferes: it annoys the people, the politicians, all. Yet it is also a place for participation, activism and self-discovery. Three people report.

Social networks: the Good Internet
  • Page 1 — The good Internet
  • Page 2 — "I was yelled at, offended, threatened"
  • Page 3 — "This is only way I can maintain a social life"
  • Read on a page

    The internet has don't easily se days. At least not if you believe in DenMedien. There is data abuse on Facebook, debate about DieDatenschutz-basic regulation, vulnerabilities in encryption VonE-mails. It's about propaganda, about hacks and hate comments. To governments that are blocking messengers because y communicate suspected terrorists.

    All this sindWahrheiten, but y only form part of reality. Quickly wirdvergessen that " Internet", which should be considered Nieganzheitlich anyway, also offers space for people who live outside network often fail to participate. This gehörensogenannte marginalized groups who find places on Internet, who find Denensie to be ir own – and mselves. You see social networks Infirst line not as nasty data kraken, but as a chance. We habendrei met you.

    Inken *, 27 years

    I am a student of social work, I am interested in fashion, Singesehr like – even on stage in front of people. By way, I'm also a dickejunge woman. And I think that's totally fine. To this attitude, Ichauch came through Internet.

    I grew up in a village. I didn't have many friends Undwar not too often outside. To self-confidence it was ordered Entsprechendschlecht. I have always hidden my body, worn wide clos, was generally very reserved. I was auchgemobbt in school. Youngsters like to look for people who runterdrückenkönnen m to get up. On Internet, on or hand, I found people who I really understood – and who also understood me. The Warin of sixth grade, a chat room where you could just talk about it. I also visited manga and Animeforen in a phase. At first, dapositive comments came to my face. But I didn't want to show my whole body in pictures.

    This has changed through Facebook. I had found groups, find strive to create a positive deal with my own body. Highestithas year I myself host such a community with around 3,000 Mitgliedernmit. Many of m are women, but also a few men. All people mimi by fashion industry as a "plus-size" Classified size 42können Enter group. It's about showing pictures of yourself – new clos, with new makeup ideas. Or even just how to DemWeg to bakery. We want se people to see more pictures of anderendicken people in ir feeds. People who look like mselves. I pay particular attention to fact that no despektierlichen are Kommentaregepostet. I spend an hour on that for a day.

    © Private

    I also get messages from women who write to me, y really helped group. That you can now InsSchwimmbad again. That's a nice feeling. A few days ago, EineFrau posted a before and after picture. But not one of usual kind: formerly thick, Today "better" since slim. No, she showed you was dressed up like me very hiding. Today, however, she wears completely different clos, inspired by group, that does not want to cover her body Mehrnur.

    Orwise, I still use Instagram quite a bit. There's MeinMotto "This is where narcissism reigns". Because medium I use most of all to post selfies from me. But I see no problem in that. I'll show myself in all sorts of situations. Makeup as well as totalruntergewirtschaftet during a test phase. Selfies are more than just self-portrayal. It is also about machenunding pictures of yourself to discover something beautiful in it. Sometimes also through eyes andererMenschen.

    Certainly, se selfies also have negative aspects. About n, WennMenschen just craving to get likes. If you make your self-worth depend on opinions of se anonymous people. And yet can a good beginning to accept oneself. I Inzwischenziemlich care what or people write under My pictures. I find michjetzt super.

    * Name changed

    Date Of Update: 18 May 2018, 12:03