Three months after G20 summit, domestic political spokesperson of left group in Hamburg, Christiane Schneider, called into question police’s previous descriptions of riots. Schneider referred to answer of red-green Senate on her small question about secured evidence, which was available to German press Agency and who had already reported Spiegel Online.

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In answer, for example, previous description of police is corrected, according to which a car of federal police burned down at Altona station on morning of July 7th. In Senate answer, it is now said: “Contrary to findings of police in Hamburg, it has not come to a fire of vehicles according to findings of Soko black block.”

According to Schneider, events of night of July 8th, when rioters had been raging for hours in street shoulder blade in Hill quarter, destroyed business and lit barricades, are asking questions. According to Senate, police acknowledged that “according to current state of knowledge” no Molotov, paving, stones or iron rods were secured as evidence.

Accusations of residents

The police had justified ir hesitation and long Gewährenlassen of rioters that y assumed that militant G20 opponents might want to throw paving and Molotov of rooftops on officials. “The doubts about justification of police for ir withdrawal from shoulder blade have grown enormously,” said Schneider. “This complex must be clarified without doubt, precisely because re were massive accusations from residents that y had been abandoned.”

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Police spokesman Timo Zill, on or hand, stressed that police expressly stated in basic presentation of procedures on that evening: “There have been massive attacks from neighbourhood to officials employed. There has been an ambush on evidence of protection of Constitution. There is also video material on how people throw objects from rooftops, “said Zill of DPA.

His colleague Ulf Wundrack said that officials were still in process of fully evaluating events during summit of main industrial and emerging countries. The police are in midst of a process. “We have ensured a great deal of evidence. The evaluation and assignment still lasts, “said police spokesman.