Horst Seehofer: Panic-mongering instead of human rights

Which members of the subsidiary protected refugees are allowed to move on? For Horst Seehofer There are money and danger – not who needs help urgently.

Horst Seehofer: Panic-mongering instead of human rights

Horst Seehofer had started with a lot of noise as interior minister: barely in office, he claimed that Islam does not belong to Germany – a debate that even Conservative Party friends are now annoyed by. And now it fits in picture that CSU chief also escalates tone of refugee question. In family reunification for refugees with subsidiary protection, CSU betrays values that it orwise holds. Family does not seem so worthy to Christian social when it comes to people from Islamic countries.

The Grand coalition agreed that subsidiary protected refugees will be able to regain ir family members from August onwards – but only 1,000 people per month plus hardship cases. Seehofer wants to tighten up this already little generous regulation now. This is especially true for criteria of how se 1,000 are to be chosen – if at end re were a few hundred less that would come every month, that would certainly be in spirit of CSU. So at least first draft reads.

Researchers go from 50,000 to 60,000 people who would be entitled to reunification and would come to Germany. So many of m have to wait a long time if only 12,000 per year are allowed. Since coalition has come to this ceiling, Ministry of Interior must actually find criteria whose children, spouses and parents are allowed to arrive quickly.

The fact that people who are jihadists or terror sympathizers were not particularly favoured was also agreed in coalition negotiations. In his law, however, Seehofer wants to become even more concrete: returned Dschihadreisende, hate preachers and leaders of banned associations should not be allowed to make up for ir relatives eir. But how many people are affected? Many certainly do not. Apart from fact that German authorities do not recognize everyone as a threat. It seems to be more about symbolic politics and about how to portray refugees as a threat.

Hartz IV is not a good reason

Or rules aggravating CSU will meet wrong people in almost cynical ways. Those who still cannot care for mselves and ir families, that is to say social benefits, should continue to expose ir children and spouses to war and terror. There are many reasons why refugees do not find a job quickly. They have sometimes waited for years for an integration course and can not yet have enough German. What y have learned in ir homeland may not be used in German labour market, and degrees are not recognised. They are traumatized or ill after flight. Or: You can't even get into Germany because your family is not with you. Migration researchers and refugee workers repeatedly stress that those who have to worry that ir children are being killed by bombs or bullied by terrorists, it is extremely difficult to integrate mselves in Germany. He lives even more in his home country than here. Everyone can understand.

In addition, no siblings should be allowed to travel: that first of all children and spouses, or parents of minor children may travel, is logical. But how does it behave with little siblings of fled young people? Let's take a 16-year-old here in Germany. He is traumatized by escape, he does not come clear in his new homeland. He needs his mor's hold. And he would have right to catch up with you. But she will hardly leave her or children alone in a country where y are in danger of life.

So, instead of deciding in each individual case whose children, partners or parents should be urgently here because y are threatened or needed, Seehofer simply acts as if we are not talking about people in need. But as if it were only dangerous people who would eir use our social system or bring terror into country.

Date Of Update: 05 April 2018, 12:02