Libya: At least eight refugees drowned in the Mediterranean

When trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea, a refugee boat has fallen into distress. Dozens of migrants are still missing. More than 80 people were saved.

Libya: At least eight refugees drowned in the Mediterranean

In front of Derlibyschen coast, at least eight people died trying to travel to Europe. This was shared by Italian coast Guard. Demnachwürden many more refugees missing. 84 migrants were able to gerettetwerden. The non-governmental organisation Sea-Watch and Libyan coast Guard, on or hand, shared that 25 people had died.

breaking rubber dhingy sunk north of Tripoli. At least gt; 25 ppl. In incident, exact numbers still unclear. Italian navy on scene, SW3 on ir way, operation still going.

— Sea-Watch (@seawatchcrew) January 6, 2018

According to Deritalienischen Coast Guard, migrants were spotted in a dinghy on way undwurden in morning by a plane of EU mission against human smuggling. The italienischeMarine was also involved in rescue operation.

Diespanische Organization proactive open arms shared, ZahlreicheVermisste would probably never be found after recent misfortune. "DieTotenzählung for 2018 has just begun. Sadness and despair, "tweeted Proactiva founder Oscar camps.

The migration route across Mediterranean to Europe is one of most dangerous expedite. 2017, according to International Organisation for Migration (IOM), more than 3,100 people died trying to cross Mediterranean and Europe. In fact, figure is probably higher, since not all accidents have been known for a long time.

In December, for first time, United Nations Refugee Organization (UNHCR) flew 162 people from a refugee camp in Libya to Italy in order to take people off crossing. Through a so-called humanitarian corridor, refugees were brought to Italy by plane. Previously, Libya and Italy had decided to establish a joint commission to fight smugglers and illegal migration. Italy told North African country 35 million euros for more effective border surveillance.

Date Of Update: 07 January 2018, 12:03